- Qufeng Cataplasm 祛风巴布剂
- Pericarps: Qufeng, Lishi, Zhiyang. 果壳:祛风,利湿,止痒。
- OBJECTIVE To choose the optimum matrix formulation of cataplasm. 目的研究巴布剂基质的最佳配方。
- Objective To optimize the matrix of Shang Su Kang Cataplasm. 目的研究伤速康巴布剂基质的最优配方。
- Objective To choose the optimum formulation of cataplasm of Rutaecartu. 目的 研究吴茱萸巴布剂的最优配方。
- Objective:To obseve the treatment of chronic urticaria and EOS by Buqi Qufeng Therapy. 目的:观察补气祛风汤对慢性荨麻疹症状及嗜酸性粒细胞(EOS)计数影响。
- Higher dosage of Qufeng Zhiyang tincture could increase the indexes of thymus and spleen on DTH in mice. 大剂量时还可增加小鼠的胸腺指数及脾指数;
- CONCLUSION With this optimum proportion of matrix better quality Cataplasm can be prepared. 结论采用此最佳基质配比可制备质量较佳的巴布剂基质。
- OBJECTIVE To study the effects of Qufeng Zhiyang tincture on anti-allergic and anti-pruritus. 摘要目的研究祛风止痒酊的抗过敏与止痒作用。
- Methods Tooth root Injected solidified calcium phosphate cataplasm tube, then pressed with gutta peneha points. 方法自固化磷酸钙充填糊剂根管内注入后加牙胶尖挤压。
- CONCLUSION Qufeng Zhiyang tincture has the significant effects of anti-anaphylaxis and anti-pruritus. 结论祛风止痒酊具有良好的抗过敏、止痒作用。
- Objective To filtrate the preparation techniques and matrix's prescription of Gegenqinlian cataplasm. 目的研制葛根芩连巴布剂,优化其制备工艺。
- Objective To investigate the feasibility of the transformation of shuxiongpian from peroral dosage into cataplasm. 目的探讨舒胸片由口服剂型改为巴布剂剂型的可行性。
- Objective: To study the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Kangguzhizengsheng cataplasm. 摘要目的:研究抗骨质增生巴布剂的镇痛、抗炎作用。
- Results [WTBZ]There was no different effect between antibiotic cataplasm group and calcium hydroxide cataplasm group. 结果经1年随访观察,抗生素组和氢氧化钙组乳牙根管充填成功率差异无显著意义。
- Live alone and Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii, Cimicifuga, Bupleurum keep company, which must be used to help up-and-wet Qufeng a force stronger. 独活与羌活、升麻、柴胡为伍,相须为用,助阳上升与祛风胜湿之力更强。
- Objective:To prepare compound hyperostosis cataplasm and study its parameters of quality control. 目的:制备复方骨质增生巴布剂并对其质量控制指标进行了研究。
- The amount of water lost to small, innovativeink, dilatational, and spreading the dot can be caused by cataplasm. 负水度小,油不朱不离便当蔓延,使网不面铺展,可以变成糊版。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the effects of different penetration enhancer on the transdermal permeation of Complex Scutellaria Baicalensis cataplasm. 目的:研究不同促渗剂对复方黄芩巴布剂透皮吸收的影响。
- The amounts of three excipients that had significant influence on viscosity of cetirizine hydrochloride cataplasm were investigated. 考察了对盐酸西替利嗪巴布剂黏性影响较重要的3个辅料的用量,并研究了优化处方的含水量、黏性及体外释放度的关系。