- Question bank control 题库管理
- Many airplanes have trim for bank control, called aileron trim. 许多飞机有修剪为银行控制, 叫的飞机辅翼修剪。
- The question bank comprises two parts: motor vehicles and motorcycles. 题库分为汽车类和摩托车类两大部分。
- I have the previous question bank, and the repeated rate is more than 50%. You can msgs me. 所谓天堂;就是你找到理想工作的地方;所谓上帝;就是能帮你找到理想工作的神/人.
- This kind of question bank is any teaching assistants with difficulty achieves, is most has the individuality most to have a pointed storytelling. 这种题库是任何一本教辅都难以做到的,是最具有个性最具有针对性的一部大书。
- This paper introduces a test question bank of higher algebra edited with FOXBASE and illustrates its designing idea, characteristics, functions and using method in detail. 本文介绍了一个用Foxbase编写的“高等代数试题库”,详细说明了它的设计思想、特点、功能和它的使用方法
- The bank controls the dreams of all physical possessions of the masses. 银行控制了大众对物质层上各种财产的梦想。
- Today the banks control almost the entire dream of humans founded upon credit, mortgages and loans. 今天的银行用信用卡、抵押与贷款几乎控制了人类的整个梦想。
- This is a VB question bank management system developed, it can store questions to help teachers facilitate questions, the system is just a simple example. Hope that we can love. 这是一个VB开发的题库管理系统,它能存储试题,帮助教师出题方便,本系统只是一个简单的实例。希望大家能喜欢。
- Enlightenment of American Commercial Bank Control 美国的商业银行管制给我们的启示
- His honesty was called into question. 他的诚实受到了怀疑。
- The question was decided by referendum. 这问题是由全民投票决定的。
- Bank Control Device of Sheet Extruder 挤出压片机积胶控制装置
- But many property buyers grateful to the bank while questioning bank, then forced to buy mortgage insurance? 但是不少购房者对银行心存感激的同时,又在质问银行,按揭时为啥强制买保险?
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- Corporate Governance and Effective Bank Control 公司治理与有效银行监管问题研究
- The bank controls for the guildmaster level of a guild is now grayed out. A guildmaster always has full access to a guild bank and this cannot be changed. 现在公会会长永远对公会银行有完全控制权,不能被更改。
- I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now. 我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this question. 我们发现在这个问题上我们与我们的朋友立场相反。