- In fact, quantitative easing is a subsection of qualitative easing. 事实上,量化宽松是质化宽松的一个分款。
- Since the BoJ abandoned“ quantitative easing” in March, Japan's monetary base has withered. 自从日本银行在三月份放弃了“定量放松”政策,日本的货币基础就已经萎缩。
- Under quantitative easing, the policy introduced in 2001, the BoJ floods the market with excess liquidity. 日本央行在2001年出台“定量宽松”(quantitativeeasing)货币政策,向市场投放过量流动资金。
- Then central banks resorted to quantitative easing (QE), a polite term for the creation of money. 央行采取量化宽松的货币政策,这是滥发货币的文雅说法。
- Under quantitative easing, it is possible to have rising asset prices and large output gaps,' the note said. 在量化宽松政策之下,不断上涨的资产价格和庞大的产出缺口是可以同时存在的。
- Deloitte China in the global financial industry co-leading partner, said Liu Minghua, Bernanke is the quantitative easing monetary policy originator. 德勤中国全球金融行业联席领导合伙人刘明华说,伯南克是定量宽松货币政策的鼻祖。
- The Bank of England, on the other hand, calls its purchases of government and private debt “quantitative easing” and explains it in monetarist terms. 另一方面,英国银行称其购买政府和私人负债的行为为“定量宽松”并且在货币主义者中叙述这个政策。
- Yet it appears unable or unwilling to contemplate anything more radical, such as quantitative easing that might drive down the yen. 然而,日本央行看来不能或者不愿意采取任何更激进的措施,比如说量化宽松政策可能就能压低日元。
- David Bloom of HSBC argues that the currencies of those countries that have adopted quantitative easing will underperform. those that have not. 汇丰的DavidBloom认为采取了定量宽松政策的国家的货币表现上将落后于没有采取相同政策的。
- The current policy of quantitative easing by the Fed is a move in the right direction but it does not, as yet, go nearly far enough. 现在联邦政府现行的数量上的放松政策是正确的举动,但是还远远不够。
- Can be seen that quantitative easing may have slow deflation are effective, but the substantive question of the current solution is not strong force. 可见,数量型放松可能对于减缓通缩是有效的,但对眼下的实质性问题的解决力却不强。
- Analysts here said the Bank of England will continue to implement the "quantitative easing" policy to stimulate the British economy. 此间分析人士表示,英国央行还会继续实施“量化宽松”政策来刺激英国经济。
- Until recently, senior politicians were threatening the central bank with the loss of its independence should it seek to dismantle quantitative easing too quickly. 直到最近,一些高层政界人士一直在威胁央行说,如果它寻求过快终止定量宽松政策,将剥夺它的独立性。
- One big difference is that the previous episode of quantitative easing coincided with stringent budget-tightening under Junichiro Koizumi, the then prime minister. 一个很大的差异是早前的量化宽松是与前首相小泉纯一郎的严格的预算紧缩政策相一致的。
- Indeed, such "quantitative easing" is an augury for the option to be tried in extremis: reflating the economy by printing money to finance budget deficits. 事实上,像这种"定量宽松型"货币政策预示着极端的选择:为弥补财政赤字,增印钞票,引发经济通胀。
- The Fed has commenced QE (quantitative easing).In this note, we review the concept of QE and analyse the likely impact of this extraordinary operation on the dollar. 美联储的“量化宽松”操作会通过通胀影响到美元的名义价值,而美国金融体系的严重恶化则必然会损害美元的内在价值。
- This so-called “quantitative easing” is a strategy central banks use to fight deflation, the dreaded combination of declining growth and falling asset prices. 这种所谓的“定量宽松货币政策”是央行用于考试大应对通货紧缩的对策,即增长率下降和资产价格不断下跌的可怕组合。
- When the jargon of the 2008-09 recession wasn't harsh, it was often mystifying: credit default swaps, collateralised debt obligations and quantitative easing. 虽然2008-09年经济复苏产生的行话没有特别刺耳,但总是让人费解不已:信用违约交换,债务抵押债券,还有量化宽松。
- Indeed, such “quantitative easing” is an augury for the option to be tried in extremis: reflating the economy by printing money to finance budget deficits. 事实上,像这种“定量宽松型”货币政策预示着极端的选择:为弥补财政赤字,增印钞票,引发经济通胀。
- Fan worries that the Fed's quantitative easing is raising the risk of dollar inflation and devaluation, which 'is a concern not just for China but for everyone. 不是让人民币相对美元贬值,他建议中国应该参考更多的一篮子货币以此来标定人民币的兑换利率。最终,他说,中国的货币应该和其他货币挂钩,而不仅仅和美元挂钩