- Richard Arthur and Bui Quang Te. 题名其余部分: by J.
- Thich Quang Dug never made a sound or moved while he was burning. 至死,他都没有发出一点声音,没有移动过。
- The hardest-hit provinces are Khanh Hoa, Binh Dinh and Quang Ngai. 受灾最严重的省份是庆和省、平定省和广义省。
- ZHANG G,QUANG R,LU B.A displacement method for machine geometry calibration[J].Annals of CIRP,1998,37:515-518. 范晋伟田越.;基于14条位移线测量法的数控机床误差参数辨识技术[J]
- Following his death, Thich Quang Duc was cremated and legend has it that his heart would not burn. 在他死后,遗体被火化,而在火化中他的心脏奇迹般地没有被焚化掉。
- When these requests were not addressed by the Deim regime, Thich Quang Duc carried out his self-immolation. 当这些要求被吴庭艳政府拒绝之后,释广德便进行了他的自焚行为。
- Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc burns himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam. 1963年的今天,越南僧人释广德在繁忙的西贡十字街头引火自焚,以抗议南越没有宗教自由。
- Zhuolu Northern Province, Quang Ninh II Prefecture, home to Huai Rong County.永兴县home to the late Tang, Fanshan County. 北齐省涿鹿、广宁二县,改置怀戎县。
- A tourist wades through a flooded street in the town of Hoi An in the central Vietnamese province of Quang Nam on September 30, 2009. 通过被水淹没的街头,在海城旅游wades中部的广南省的越南对2009年9月30号。
- "As of today we are free of bird flu," Bui Quang Anh, director of the animal health department of the agriculture ministry, told Reuters on Tuesday. 农业部动物卫生处主任Bui Quang Anh,告诉路透社记者:“从现在起,我们终于摆脱了禽流感。”
- The relics are gifts from Most Venerable Tinh Giac, Patriarch of the Ho Chi Minh City-based Giac Quang Pagoda and Supreme Advisor of the Thai Royal Buddhist Sangha. 据悉该舍利子包括佛骨舍利和高僧坐化后留下的舍利子,是胡志明市觉光寺住持静觉法师和泰国皇家佛教僧伽会最高顾问所赠。
- While Thich Quang Duc’s self-immolation has received little attention from religious scholars, it has been interpreted from both a religious and political perspective. 释广德的自焚经过了宗教和政治视角的多重解读,但并未引起宗教学者太大的注意。
- Luancheng originally (now in Hebei Luancheng), his grandfather was the main White Lotus Society was disgrace yongnian Resettlement Quang Binh (Hebei Yongnian this South-East). 原为栾城(今河北栾城)人,其祖父为白莲教主,被谪徙广平永年(今河北永年东南)。
- In the field of photocurable materials, company development, produce UV oil: UV302 paper light oil, UV303 cigarette packs light oil, oil, UV307 wire an Quang UV309 ILM fluid, etc. 在光固化材料领域,公司开发、生产出UV光油系列产品:UV302纸张光油、UV303烟包光油、UV307丝印光油、UV309淋膜液等。
- A Vietnamese villager fishes with a net outside his flooded home at Dien Nam commune, in the central province of Quang Nam, following heavy rain brought by typhoon Ketsana on September 30, 2009. 一个有在他淹没在演南公社家庭网络,在越南中部广南省,大雨后所带来的台风2009年9月30日凯萨纳越南村民鱼类。
- Add: No.9 Nan Zhuang Road Yang Quang Shanxi China 地址:中国·山西·阳泉市南庄路9号
- Huy TT,Ushijima H,Quang VX,Win KM,Luengrojanakul P,Kikuchi K,Sata T,Abe K.Genotype C of hepatitis B virus can be classified into at least two subgroups.J Gen Virol 2004; 马金春;李新建;王鲁文;廖勇峰;胡希亚;王琰;王桂珍;龚作炯.;黄石地区乙型肝炎病毒基因型分布及其临床相关性
- Thich Quang Do 释广渡
- Le Quang Dao 黎光道(1920-),越南人,曾任国会主席。
- Dam Quang Trung 谭光中(1923-),越南人,上将。