- Variation coefficients of rice difference quality traits have great disparity. 不同品质性状的变异系数差异悬殊。
- Intramuscular fat content is an important meat quality trait in pig production. 猪的肌内脂肪含量是重要的肉质性状。
- Identification included 15 botanical traits, 25 agronomical traits, 11 quality traits, totally 51 items. 为此简述了豆科牧草种质资源鉴定技术规程制定的原则、过程及内容。
- The oil content in these lines, which had superior agronomy and quality traits were stable among different years. 其年度间含油量性状较为稳定,综合性状良好。
- The additive effect predominated in the yield traits but was equally important with the dominant effect in the quality traits. 在产量性状的基因效应中,加性效应占优势,在品质性状上则是加性效应和非加性效应均很重要。
- Meanwhile,the inheritance,molecular-markers of quality traits and their relationships with quality of wheat were discussed in detail. 同时详细介绍了小麦品质性状的遗传规律、分子标记及其与品质的关系。
- Yang Y B,Gao R Q,Yin Y P et al.Effects of nitrogen and variety on yield and quality traits of winter wheat[J].Acta Tritical Crops,2005,25(6):78-81. [5]杨延兵;高荣岐;尹燕枰;等.;氮素与品种对小麦产量和品质性状的效应[J]
- Title: Correlation and path anlysis between agronomic and quality traits of F2:3 family populations in Brassica napus L. 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;农艺性状;品质;相关分析;通径分析;F2:3家系
- Zhang X.M., C.H Shi, G.L.Bao and S.H.Ye, The advances in genetics of some appearance and milling quality traits and their correlation in rice. 张小明、石春海、鲍根良和叶胜海,稻米外观和碾磨性状的数量遗传及相关性研究进展。
- Lin J.R., C.H.Shi and M.G.Wu, The Study of Genetic Effects for Appearance Quality Traits in Japonica Hybrid Rice at Different Environments. 林建荣、石春海和吴明国,不同环境条件下粳型杂交稻稻米外观品质性状的遗传效应。
- Parents of teqing and yanghui 559, showed the low GCA and SCA for quality traits and had no significant merits on rice hybrid quality breeding. 恢复系特青、盐恢559表现为一般配合力效应差,特殊配合力方差小,优质育种利用价值不大。
- Lin J.R., C.H.Shi and M.G.Wu, The Study of Genetic Effects for Appearance Quality Traits in Japonica Hybrid Rice at Different Environments.Chinese J. 林建荣、石春海和吴明国,不同环境条件下粳型杂交稻稻米外观品质性状的遗传效应。
- Abstract Based on quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping, porcine uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) gene was chosen as a candidate gene for pig fat deposition and meat quality traits. 摘要 在QTL定位的基础上选取猪解偶联蛋白3(UCP3)作为控制脂肪沉积性状和肉质性状的候选基因。
- The genetic covariance between genetic effect components of quality traits and agronomy traits was not significant but that between quality and other plant traits was complicated. 虽然控制品质性状的主要遗传效应分量与农艺性状相应遗传效应分量遗传协方差不显著,但在其他相应遗传效应分量方面存在着复杂的关系。
- Abstract: Forty-five hybrids derived from 10 maize inbred lines by Griffing's Method 4 were used to analyze heterosis of 4 quality traits (starch, oil, protein and lysine). 摘要: 利用普通玉米的10个骨干自交系按不完全双列杂交法组配成45个组合,分析了10个自交系及其杂交一代的4个主要品质性状(粗淀粉、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、赖氨酸)的杂种优势及其亲子关系。
- Relationships have been analyzed between 5 Loci of high and low molecular weight glutenin and 14 wheat main quality traits using 61 common wheat varieties. 摘要以61个小麦品种为材料,利用方差分析探讨了3个高分子量麦谷蛋白基因座和2个低分子量麦谷蛋白基因座对14个小麦主要品质性状的影响。
- Results showed that the amylose content (AC) and the ratio of amylase content to amylpectin content (RAAM) have been changed much bigger than the other quality traits. 结果表明,添加糯小麦粉后,以直链淀粉含量与直/支比变化为主,而蛋白质、湿面筋、支链淀粉等成分含量与沉降值等变化较小。
- Lin J.R., C.H.Shi and M.G.Wu, Analysis of Genetic Relationship between Appearance Quality Traits or Milling Quality Traits and Plant Agronomic Traits of Japonica Rice. 林建荣、石春海和吴明国,粳稻稻米外观及碾磨品质与植株农艺性状的遗传相关分析。
- With the material of 6 CMS lines, 7 restorer lines and 42 hybrid combinations, the GCA and VAR of SCA of yield traits, quality traits and bearing date were analyzed. 以6个不育系作母本和7个恢复系作父本交叉配组的42个组合为材料,系统观测了产量性状、品质性状和生育期,分析了亲本的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差。
- Against products in producing process which have key quality trait and the regularity happening in quality questions, we have established plan on preventing errors. 公司加强了防错技术的应用,针对产品形成过程的关键质量特性和质量问题多发。