- Quality Development Education 素质拓展教育
- We will strive to develop education and enhance the overall quality of our nationals. 振兴教育事业,全面提高国民素质。
- Investment in education is to develop education material guarantee. 教育投资是发展教育事业的物质保证。
- Energetic efforts will be pooled to develop education and propagate scientific knowledge to enhance the nation's scientific and cultural quality and innovation capacity. 大力发展教育和科学普及事业,提高全民族的科学文化素质和创新能力。
- Communicate and cooperate with TIMKEN China Supply Quality Development. 实现与TIMKEN中国区供方开发团队的有效沟通及合作;
- Now we should lose no time in developing education. 现在要抓紧发展教育事业。
- Rescheduling problem is one of reasons which restrict high quality development of iron and steel industry. 摘要重调度是制约钢铁行业高品质发展的原因之一。
- Enterprises should always know the quality of the production site, the system of quality development in order to effectively prevent accidents. 企业要经常了解生产现场的质量现状,系统地分析质量发展动态,以便有效地预防事故。
- The developed education made the prosperity culture of Tongcheng. 教育的繁荣,带来了清代的桐城科举发达,官宦辈出,政治文化势强;
- Abstract: Green NGO is playing the huge role in the global sustainable development education. 摘要:绿色NGO在全球可持续发展教育中发挥着巨大的作用。
- Results indicated: undergraduates body quality development was not balance, body function became down, levels of constitution health was lower national levels overall. 结果表明:青海省大学生身体素质发展不平衡,身体机能有所下降,体质健康水平总体低于全国平均水平。
- Software crisis have brought great many wastage to the world,so people is seeking after a way to meet the frequent changing requirements and do a rapid,quality development. 面对软件危机带来的巨大损耗,人们进行了广泛而深刻地探索,力求寻找到一条“应对需求不断变化,快速、高质的开发道路”。
- The state has a preferential policy in developing education for the disabled. 国家采取优惠政策发展残疾人教育。
- The moral education is in the full scale development education the indispensable important constituent. 道德教育是全面发展教育中不可或缺的重要组成部分。
- Since setting up the new city,Luohe has fully developed education,service,culture and sports.The living quality is improving. 漯河建市以来,教育、科技、文化、体育等各项事业全面发展,城市生活品质不断提高。
- The Chinese government has made great efforts to develop education for the disabled. 中国政府大力发展残疾人教育。
- Developing educational programs for mass media. 教学系统设计原理的广泛应用大众传媒的教育节目制作。
- The Chinese government has paid great attention to assisting poor areas to develop education. 中国政府十分注意扶持贫困地区发展教育事业。
- In such education, even if recognizes the good child, not only they the innermost feelings are also depressed, moreover other aspect's quality develops into everybody attention scotoma. 在这样的教育中,即便公认的“好孩子”,他们也不但内心苦闷,而且其他方面的素质发展成为大家关注的盲点。
- U.S. innovation has always advocated "quality development and innovation to survive", and to establish a people-centered, a pioneering spirit, the pursuit of excellence, creative corporate culture. 格美一贯秉持“以质量求发展、以创新求生存”的精神,并建立以人为本、开拓进取、追求卓越、富有创造力的企业文化。