- Quality Control Test Report 质量控制试验报告
- Besides, discuss how to utilize the transient behavior test in short time to forecast the steady-state performance of LHP, and to create a method of rapid quality control test. 本研究的重点为:(1)迴路热管的动态系统为可变结构系统,由不同的加热量与不同的操作姿态,LHP会呈现稳定系统、不稳定系统与振荡系统等不同的系统结构。
- If we are unable to offer you credit we will ask for full payment before we can send you proficiency tests or quality control test materials. 如果我们无法视您为信用客户则可能要求您在我们递送水平测试样品或者质控测试样品之前首先全额付款。
- You can order and pay for quality control test materials (but not proficiency tests) directly from the website using your credit card. 您可以使用信用卡直接从我们的网站定购并支付质控测试样品(但不包括水平测试)。
- It illustrates with example on the testing category of viscous dampers in!the US, namely, prequalification test, prototype test and quality control test. 举例说明了美国对液体粘滞阻尼器的测试要求,即产品预检验、原型测试及质量验收测试。
- Some ten weeks after it was first brewed, and after numerous quality control tests throughout all stages of the production process, Orval is cleared to leave the brewery. 第一次酿造后大约10周,整个生产过程经过无数次质量控制检测并过关后,欧瓦啤酒才可以离开酿酒厂。
- Including standardized writing and audit, on-site quality control testing to help choose material corrosion inspections. 包括规范撰写及审核、现场质量控制测试、帮助选择材料腐蚀勘察。
- The study of CT scanner quality control test CT机质量控制检测的探讨
- This summary checklist on construction quality control testing forms part of a series of Best Practice Modules prepared by the ICAC Corruption Prevention Department. 此建造业品质控制测试清单是廉政公署防止贪污处所编纂一系列防贪锦囊的其中一部分。
- Quality Control Test Engineering 质量控制试验工程
- Authorities have blamed dairy suppliers, saying they added the industrial chemical melamine to watered-down milk to dupe quality control tests and make the product appear rich in protein. 当局指责牛奶厂家,说他们添加工业用的化工原料三聚氰胺以便加水稀释牛奶,骗过质量控制,以使产品看起来富含蛋白质。
- This is part of the Chinese Institute and the National Science environmental standards imitation board quality control testing center drafting, enacting national EPA national standards. 这是由中国环科院环保标准研究所和国家人造板质量监督检测中心起草、国家环保局颁布的国家级标准。
- Subject : The quality test report of natural rubber latex 60% DRC . 标题 : 高氨浓缩天然乳胶质量检测报告 -----...
- You'll be asked to turn in a very good test report. 你必须得交一份像样的试验报告。
- A copy of the IELTS test report form. 成绩单复印件一份。
- Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. 我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。
- Let me have a look over the test report. 把商品检验报告给我看一下。
- Test report is invalid if modified. 报告改动无效。
- B: Let me have a look over the test report. 把商品检验报告给我看一下。
- When shall I see the doping test report? 我什么时候能够看兴奋剂检查报告?