- Thereupon, Qinghai-Tibet Platean (Qingzang Gaoyuan) flew over here, Beautiful Grassland won a burst of applause there. “真有些不想离开啊!
- Qingzang Gaoyuan 青藏高原;位于中国青海省;西藏自治区;四川省
- Qinghai Lake is like a glittering and translucent sapphire and besets on Qingzang Plateau under the blue sky. 青海湖就像一颗晶莹剔透的蓝宝石,镶嵌在蓝天下的青藏高原!
- Which of the following are likely hazards brought to Changjiang due to melting of glaciers and permafrost in the source region (Qinxang Gaoyuan)? 下列哪几项是长江源头区(青藏高原)因冰川、冻土融化而可能给长江带来的祸害?
- Tibet Snow Lotus belongs to herbage plant of composite, and most of them grows Qingzang Plateau and the areas nearside. 菊科凤毛菊属雪雪莲亚属的草木植物,绝大部分产于我国青藏高原及其毗邻地区。
- The structure design and working process of TCDS real time data access plan of Qingzang Railway were presented. 介绍青藏铁路客车运行安全监控系统(TCDS)实时数据接入系统的结构设计和工作流程。
- The Qinhai Oil Field is located in the Chaidamu Basin in the north of the Qingzang Plateau, with a total area of 24 square kilometers. 青海油田位于青藏高原北部的柴达木盆地,总面积二十四平方公里。
- The cradle of transporting vapor mainly contains the Bengal bay, the South China Sea and the East China Sea, the Qingzang Plateau, and Sichuan Basin. 输送水汽的源地主要有孟加拉湾及周边海域、南海和东海海域、青藏高原、四川盆地及周边地区;
- The economy analysis is made on the wheelset turning caused by abnormal wear of wheel flange of passenger cars on Qingzang Railway. 针对青藏铁路客车轮缘异常磨耗导致的轮对旋修问题进行了经济性分析。
- Intensifying the economic terrain construction of Qingzang railway is a momentous avenue of prodding the modernization procedure Of Qingzang areas. 摘要加快青藏铁路经济带建设,是推进青海藏区现代化进程的重要途径。
- The Ningxia Municipality locates at the cross zone the eastern monsoon zone, the northwestern arid zone and the Qingzang altiplano. 宁夏位于我国东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高原区域的交汇地带,独特的地理环境和气候条件使这里的药用植物资源独具特色。
- In which, national-advanced tetrafluoro-resin fluorocarbon coating produced by our company has been applied in Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge and Qingzang railway. 其中,杭州湾跨海大桥、青藏铁路采用了我公司生产的国内领先的四氟树脂氟碳涂料;
- Based on the environmental peculiarity of Qingzang tableland,analysed the geological disaster type and its disservice to the safety of Golmid-Lhasa oil pipelines. 立足青藏高原地质环境,分析了格拉管道地质灾害的类型及给管道安全造成的危害。
- The strain isolated from human case is different from those strains isolated from Microtus fuscus, and similar to the Qingzang plateau strain with strong virulence. 从鼠疫病人分离到的菌株与青海田鼠体分离的菌株明显不同,而与强毒的青藏高原型菌株相似;青海田鼠体分离的菌株与内蒙古布氏田鼠型菌株相似,与其他地区的菌株均不相同。
- Gangba Basin in Xizang is an important residual marine basin in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic in the south part of Qingzang Plateau, tectonically belonging to the Tethgan Himalayan Block. 摘要西藏岗巴盆地是青藏高原南部重要的中新生代海相残留盆地,在大地构造上属特提斯喜马拉雅地块。
- On the support ofengineering database, the asphalt pavement CAD system, PMS, and ResearchManagement System forms an organic and united system, provides effective andconvenient help for design, maintenance, and research work of QingZang Highway. 在工程数据库的支撑下,系统中的沥青路面CAD系统、路面管理系统(PMS)和科研管理系统(RMS)融为一个有机的整体,为青藏公路的设计、养护和科研等工作提供了快捷高效的技术支持。
- After dolomites of Qiangtang Basin and Cuoqin Basin in Qingzang Plateau are observed and described in the field, vertical and horizontal distribution rules of dolomite in the study area are reduced. 通过对青藏高原羌塘盆地和措勤盆地的白云岩进行野外观察与描述,提出了研究区白云岩的纵、横向分布规律,总结了白云岩的岩石学特征。
- Yang,H.,Liang,Y.M.,Wang,L.,et al.,1991.Airborne magnetic features in east area of Qingzang plateau and the relations with structural ore-forming zones.Geological Publishing House,Beijing (in Chinese). 蔡立国;郑冰;刘建荣;等;1993.;青藏高原东部石油地质基本特征
- Electric Point Machine Used on Qingzang Railway 青藏铁路用电动转辙机
- passenger cars on Qingzang Railway 青藏铁路客车