- Qingshui River region 清水江流域
- THE Juba river region, in Somalia, is hard country. 索马里朱巴流域处境艰难。
- That afternoon we passed through the Hwai River region. 那天下午我们经过淮河流域。
- The hats, traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River, have become an essential feature of the costumes worn by the dragon boat oarsmen. 水手头上的那特制的马尾斗笠,原是清水江上游苗族姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁晶,却成了龙船节水手们必备的一件装饰物。
- Rapid urbanization is already transforming the Yellow River region. 快速的城市化建设已经改变了黄河流域地区的形象。
- Monastery reservoir located at Beijing Mentougou District Qingshui river main ditch west monastery village southwest canyon place. 斋堂水库位于北京门头沟区清水河主沟西斋堂村西南的峡谷处。
- The fish in the Qingshui River belonged to different ecological types in migration, feeding, reproduction, and inhabitation. 清水江鱼类在泪游、食性、繁殖和栖息习性等方面分别属于不同的生态类型。
- Qingshui river basins is an area where minorities inhabit and its economies get less developed in the south-east of Guizhou Province. 清水江流域是贵州省少数民族聚居、经济落后的地区。
- Through investigating and analyzing present condition of soil resource of the Qingshui River and its exploitation, the scheme of landuse adjustment of the Qingshui River valley is put forth. 摘要通过对清水河流域土地资源及其开发利用现状进行综合调查分析,提出了清水河流域土地利用结构调整方向和调整方案。
- A total of more than 2500 specimen of fish belonging to 71 species (subspecies) in the Qingshui River, Guizhou Province were collected in 2002-2004, anti their ecological habits were surveyed. 摘要为了系统研究清水江的鱼类区系和生态类型,在2002-2004年对清水江进行了鱼类标本的采集和生态学调查。
- To raise the way and measure of rice grain quality in the Huanghe River region of Henan Province. 论提高河南沿黄稻区稻米品质的途径与措施。
- Taking the bridge pile foundation of Qingshui River as a prototype,the stability of piles in unfrozen soil and high-temperature permafrost is investigated by the indoor simulation test. 研究了未冻土和高温冻土两种条件下桩基承载力的特性;试验得到了高温冻土中的桩基承载力是未冻土中11.;6倍的结论;为青藏铁路工程的长期安全稳定评价与预防措施的制定提供了一定的参考依据。
- Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok. 近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。
- In the near future , the Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok. 近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。
- The place where typography was probably invented in our country was the Huanghe river region. 我国发明版筑技术的地区应该是黄河流域。
- So why is it that wines from our Margaret River region or South Australia range from $18-00 to $500? 为什么同样是来自玛格丽特河或者南澳的葡萄酒价格却从18澳元到500澳元不等呢?
- From these results the high-yield wheat geno-type suitable for the Yangtze River region was characterized. 通过确定沪、宁两地小麦品种各遗传性状的适宜值范围,提出了培育适应长江下游地区小麦高产品种的目标性状指标。
- Tarim River basin Qingshui River 塔里木河流域清水河
- Sharp eyespot of wheat is one of the most important diseases causing severe yield loss in Yangtze River and Huanghe River Region of China. 分别用玉米粉-砂、麦粒和玉米秸秆作为小麦纹枯菌生长基质,培养获得小麦纹枯病菌接种物。
- Maple leaves catch the sun in a hammock's-eye view of autumn foliage in the Fox River region of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. 密歇根州北部半岛的福克斯河地区,从吊床往上看到的秋日枫叶照耀着阳光的景象。