- This article analysed the menarcheal age of the girl students in Golmud city situated in the heartland of the Qinghai Xizang plateau. 本文对高原地区格尔木市女生的月经初潮时间在年龄、季节分布上的规律进行了调查分析。
- The result shows that effect of high SST in equator east Pacific and of the blocking situation in the Baikal Lake and of cold winter in SW Qinghai Xizang Plateau lead to drought occuring in Gansu. 结果表明:赤道东太平洋海温异常偏高,贝加尔湖500hPa正高度距平持续维持以及青藏高原冬季偏冷的共同作用是造成甘肃省特大干旱事件发生的原因;
- It was suggested that the variations of starch grains in the chloroplast of alpine plants as stated above were the result of the long-time stress under the ecological factors in Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and were an adaptation to the environment. 研究表明,高山植物叶绿体中淀粉粒的这种变化是对逆境的一种适应,是青藏高原特殊生态条件长期胁迫的结果。
- The Liangshan active fault zone, trending nearly from north to south, lies at the southeast margin of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the east side of Xianshuihe Anninghe Zemuhe Xiaojiang fault zone. 凉山近南北向活动构造带位于青藏高原东南边缘鲜水河 -安宁河 -则木河 -小江断裂带中段东侧 ,与鲜水河断裂带左阶雁列 ,与小江断裂带右阶雁列。
- An effective method on pollen analysis of the redbeds, innermost of Qinghai Xizang Plateau 青藏高原腹地红层孢粉分析的有效方法
- In this paper, the horizontal stable-layer, which occurred over the eastside of the Qinghai - Xizang Plateau in spring, is analysed with the dense radiosonde data. 本文利用稠密的探空资料,分析了春季高原东侧的水平稳定层。
- Using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique and correlation method, the variation of air temperature and its forming causes were investigated in Sichuan province and Chongqing city (SC) on the east side of Qinghai?Xizang Plateau. 应用奇异值分解(SVD)和相关分析方法,研究了青藏高原东侧川渝地区气温变化及其原因。
- Before the Qinghai?Xizang Plateau is uplifted or during it is uplifted up to the critical height, about 2 km ASL, the sea level pressure, 500 hPa and 100 hPa level heights are all lower than they are now all over the most part of the Northern Hemisphere. 高原隆升前和隆升至临界高度时,北半球绝大部分地区海平面气压场、500hPa高度场、100hPa高度场都比现在偏低。
- Keywords squeezing out tectonism;Qinghai Tibet Plateau;South China Block;North China area;Tanlu fault;Late Cenozoic;late hydrocarbon accumulation; 挤出构造;青藏高原;华南地块;华北地区;郯庐断裂;晚新生代;晚期油气成藏;
- Keywords hierarchical analytical technique;classification of aeromagnetic anomalies;ore prospecting prognosis;central and western Qinghai Tibet plateau; 层次分析法;航磁异常分类;找矿预测;青藏高原中西部地区;
- QingHai Tibet Plateau 青藏高原
- Each of Qinghai Xizang region and Northeast China region components was four genera of which Formica and Lasius are typical. 蒙新区分布的成分有 15属 ,其中以铺道蚁属、原蚁属及箭蚁属为主体 ,蚁属和心结蚁属次之 ;
- A composite study of the effects of the upper northeasterly flow located on the east side of the Qinghai Xizang High on heavy rainfall during Meiyu period. 青藏高压东侧偏北大风对梅雨暴雨影响的合成分析
- The Changjiang River rises in the main peak of Tanggula Maintains in the Qmghai Xizang Plateau. 长江发源于青藏高原的唐古拉山脉主峰,是我国第一、世界第三大河流。
- Only considering the existence and development of permafrost and the engineering damage in the cold regions, the Qinghai Xizang railway line should be thought as the best one among all plans. 提出就青藏高原上普遍发育的多年冻土及寒冷地区存在的工程病害来讲,青藏线明显优于其它各条进藏规划线路。
- It embodys about 74 locust items, includes locusts distribute around Tibet Plateau and periphery, especially distributes in Qinghai, Sichuan and Sitsang. 数据内容包括中文名、拉丁名、别名、体长、地理分布等。
- Over the Xizang Plateau,the 500 hPa hight forecast error is almost nega-tive in every month of the year,with the largest negative value appeared insummer,but it approaches to zero in winter. 青藏高原上空500百帕预报全年基本上都是负偏差,以夏季负偏差最大,春秋季减小,冬季趋于0,各月之间有近于正弦波型式的年变化规律性。
- This paper analyses the relationship of important tectonic motions to magmatic response events in Qinghai Tibet Area. 探讨了对青藏地区有重大影响的几次构造运动与岩浆响应事件的关系。
- Northeast Qinghai- Xizang plateau 青藏高原东北侧
- YU Qi-hao,LIU Yong-zhi,TONG Chang-jiang.Analysis of the subgrade deformation of Qinghai Tibet highway[J].Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology,2002,24(5):623-627. [5]俞祁浩;刘永智;童长江.;青藏公路路基变形分析[J]