- 1 Kilometers to Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center 距青岛奥林匹克帆船中心1公里
- The Olympic torch landing Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center 奥运火炬登陆青岛奥帆中心
- Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center 青岛国际帆船中心,是北京2008年奥林匹克运动会分赛场之一
- Qingdao Olympic Sailing Competition 青岛奥帆赛
- Agios Kosmas Olympic Sailing Center Agios Kosmas奥林匹克帆船帆板中心
- Welcome to the Olympic sailing races held in Qingdao. 欢迎来青岛观看奥运会帆船比赛。
- Olympic Sailing Center 奥林匹克帆船帆板中心
- The road lamp with wind energy source dress up Qingdao Olympics sailing boat centre 风能路灯扮靓青岛奥林匹克帆船中心
- China's security forces are to use unmanned drones to patrol the skies over the Olympic sailing venue of Qingdao City, in the country's first known use of the spy craft. 奥运安保部门将在奥运期间派无人侦察机在奥运会比赛城市青岛上空进行巡逻,这是我国首次使用此类侦察机。
- The Qingdao International Sailing Center was built on the site of a former dockyard in FuShan Bay, and was completed in 2006. 青岛国际帆船中心是在遗址上建一个船坞前在福山湾,并于2006年完成。
- Conclusion We should strength the surveillance and control on vectors and vector borne disease in Qingdao, so as to provide a healthy environment fur 2008 Olympic Sailing Genies. 结论我们应该加强对病媒生物及其相关传染病的预防控制工作,为2008年青岛奥运会帆船比赛的成功举办保驾护航。
- The sailing events for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad will be held within Qingdao International Sailing Center, the five water areas outside Fushan Bay. 第29届奥运会帆船比赛将在青岛国际帆船中心位于浮山湾外的五片水域中进行。
- QINGDAO, China: Chinese windsurfer Yin Jian won China's first-ever Olympic sailing gold on Wednesday, while New Zealander Tom Ashley took the most precious medal in the RS:X class for men. (中国青岛)中国的帆板运动员殷剑本周三获得中国历史上第一枚奥运帆船金牌。而新西兰的汤姆-阿什利获得男子RS:X级帆板比赛的第一名。
- In recent 5 years, Metallic has finished many hugue construction projects , and those construction projects including China Olympic Sailing venues, Lotus Supermarket, Qingdao Cigarette Factory. 近5年来公司完成了许多大型项目,其中包括中国奥帆场馆建设、易初莲花超市、青岛卷烟厂等。
- Of the 5 venues outside Beijing,the Qingdao International Sailing Center,Tianjin Stadium,and Qinhuangdao Stadium will be newly constructed while Shenyang Wulihe Stadium and Shanghai Stadium are existing ones to be renovated. 京外地区的5个场馆项目中,青岛国际帆船中心、天津体育场、秦皇岛体育场为新建项目,沈阳五里河体育场、上海体育场为改造项目。
- Chinese windsurfer Yin Jian, coming from a fishing family in Sichuan, won China's first-ever Olympic sailing gold medal with 39 points overall in the women's RS:X class in Qingdao Wednesday. 在今日下午进行的北京奥运会女子帆板尼尔级比赛中,雅典奥运会银牌得主、来自四川的渔家姑娘殷剑以净积分39分夺金,为中国摘得奥运史上帆船项目首金。
- We have won the following bids: Distribution Transformers for Phases1&2, CCTV and Access& Intrusion of Qingdao International Sailing Center; MV, LV Swgr& Distribution Transformers for Phases1&2 and Indoor Lighting of Beijing Shooting Range Hall. 我们已经赢得了这几个项目:青岛国际帆船中心的一期和二期的变压器,CCTV和门禁系统的定单;北京射击馆的的配电系统和室内照明的定单。
- Of the 5 venues outside Beijing, the Qingdao International Sailing Center, Tianjin Stadium, and Qinhuangdao Stadium will be newly constructed while Shenyang Wulihe Stadium and Shanghai Stadium are existing ones to be renovated. 京外地区的5个场馆项目中,青岛国际帆船中心、天津体育场、秦皇岛体育场为新建项目;沈阳五里河体育场、上海体育场为改造项目。
- Transformers for Phases1&2, CCTV and Access& Intrusion of Qingdao International Sailing Center; MV, LV Swgr& Distribution Transformers for Phases1&2 and Indoor Lighting of Beijing Shooting Range Hall. 我们已经赢得了这几个项目:青岛国际帆船中心的一期和二期的变压器,CCTV和门禁系统的定单;北京射击馆的的配电系统和室内照明的定单。
- The Qingdao International Sailing Center for the Games of the 29th Olympiad is located on the old site of the Beihai shipyard by Qingdao's Fushan Bay in China's Shangdong Province. 第29届奥运会青岛奥林匹克帆船中心位于中国山东省青岛市浮山湾畔,原北海船厂的厂区。