- Qing Dan Zi Shen Tang 清胆滋肾汤
- Dan Zi exterior line can generate actinic aerosol. 因此对其很容易忽视,但由于长期积累,对皮肤造成的伤害最大。
- The embryo bine of helianthus has green, Dan Zi, deep violet etc, it is the important sign of breed of seedling stage identifying. 向日葵的胚茎有绿色.;淡紫
- Conclusion: Zi Shen Pill and the extracts have bacteriostasis effects and sterilization effects on the experiment bacterial. 结论 :滋肾丸及其提取物对试验菌有一定的抑菌和杀菌作用。
- Weak pink: Indicative and namby-pamby, sweet, beautiful and downy. Multi-purpose Yu Wo room and girl room, can match with photograph of Dan Zi, gray. 淡粉色:象征娇媚、温馨、漂亮和柔和。多用于卧室和女孩房,可与淡紫、灰色相配。
- Shen Tang's water tower through exquisite tick, before penetrating Yemen, the corridors are built around the enclosure. 水神堂之钟楼玲珑透剔,前有掖门穿通,四周筑有回廊围护。
- Spring, the domestic adornment that the summer uses Dan La, weak green, weak ash, Dan Zi more, include mural scene, should give a person with cool, halcyon, light, humid feeling. 春、夏季多采用淡蓝、淡绿、淡灰、淡紫的家庭装饰品,包括壁色,应给人以凉爽、宁静、轻快、湿润之感。
- For instance, between the Wei Yu that now already a few stylist extend pink series energetically, the toilet that is like Dan La, Dan Zi, flaxen metope is very good delegate. 比如,现已有一些设计师大力推广粉色系列的卫浴间,如淡蓝、淡紫、淡黄色墙面的卫生间就是很好的代表。
- "Jiujiang shrine of Our Lady" and "Om Yin," Shen Tang is the water of the main building, with something to watch and the Office of dragon and tiger corridors. “九江圣母祠”和“观音庵”是水神堂的建筑主体,配有东西观赏厅和龙虎廊。
- Dan Zi and yellow hue are tie-in, already elegance quite dignitary is angry, just with be in harmony of photograph of Dong Chuangguang line, answered " violet gas east come " meaning. 淡紫与黄色相搭配,既典雅又颇显贵气,恰与东窗光线相融,应了“紫气东来”之意。
- Experimental Study of Qing Dan Tang in Its Effect ofAnti inflammation,Reducing Fever and Relieving Pain 清胆汤抗炎、解热、镇痛的实验研究
- Panorama of the Chongqing Dan Zi Shi Buddha 弹子石大佛
- Bacteriostasis Test of Zi Shen Pill and it's Extracts in Vitro 滋肾丸及其提取物的体外抑菌试验
- Effect of Qing Dan Capsule on Chronic Biliary Tract Infction and Cholelithiasis 清胆胶囊治疗慢性胆道感染及胆石病的临床疗效
- Qi Zhu Er Shen Tang treat diabetes-II 53 example curative effect observation 芪术二参汤治疗II型糖尿病53例疗效观察
- Tang Gulu takes a look at Tao Zi. 唐咕噜朝陶子看了看。
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Keywords endotoxin;endotoxemia stage;lipid peroxide;Da Cheng Qi granules;Qing Dan Ling granules; 关键词内毒素;内毒素血症期;脂质过氧化物;大承气颗粒;清胆灵颗粒;
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。
- The pies in the store window made Dan's mouth water. 商店橱窗里的馅饼使丹垂涎欲滴。