- Qing' s custom law 清代习惯法
- The propostion and fact above display abundant custom law meaning for people. 上述命题和事实向人们展示了丰富的习惯法意义。
- Abstract: Minority national custom law has returned along with China’s reform and opening to the outside world, which means reforming efforts of nativistic movement of traditional culture. [摘要] 少数民族习惯法在潜伏多年后,随着改革开放的实行出现了大规模回潮的现象,此种现象反映了传统文化面临社会压力所做的重整努力。
- Tenneco’s customers are balanced ranged. 天纳克的全球客户基础非常均衡。
- Ballou said that's true at CDI's customers as well. 巴卢说,公司客户的情况也是如此。
- Carpenter\'s custom software locates each red and each green wand in the auditorium. 由卡彭特定制的软件用来确定会堂中每个红色和绿色纸棒的位置。
- It reaffirms his iron grip over both Apple and Apple’s customers. 这又一次证明他能牢牢控制苹果以及苹果用户。
- Firstly, beginning from lots of firsthand materials, this thesis exhibits some cases to show this custom law" differences to the national statutory awes. 首先从大量的第一手资料入手,选取有关个案展现它与国家制定法运行上的不同,其次对这种不同的底蕴做出了一定的解释。
- Women have long accounted for four-fifths of P&G's customers. 长久以来,女性在P&G的顾客中一直占据着45%25的比例。
- The softpanel, conforming to user s custom to apply desk instruments, is developed by VB on the base of object-oriented idea. 利用VB基于面向对象的思想,开发了一个符合用户使用的台式仪器习惯软面板。
- Duality & schism of the custom law and national law all bodies on the Chinese and Foreign legal system, the kind schism plants the root in the of relatively separation of society and nation. 习惯法与国家法的二元分立在中外法制上均有体现,此种分立植根于社会与国家之间的相对分离。
- Duality &schism of the custom law and national law all bodies on the Chinese and Foreign legal system, the kind schism plants the root in the of relatively separation of society and nation. 习惯法与国家法的二元分立在中外法制上均有体现,此种分立植根于社会与国家之间的相对分离。
- Usually MDCL's customers do not require to verify MDCL purchased products at source. 顾客一般不会要求对本公司所购物资在供货商货源处进行验证。
- Rules for the Implementation on Imposing Administrative Penalties under the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则。
- The superb job done by the Blumkins benefits us as owners, but even more dramatically benefits NFM's customers. B太太家族的杰出表现,不但让身为股东的我们受益良多,NFM的客户们更受惠更大
- The Provisional Customs Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated by the Central People's Government shall be annulled therefrom. 中央人民政府公布的《中华人民共和国暂行海关法》同时废止
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Those offenses of smuggling which do not constitute crimes shall be subject to sanctions under the provisions of the Customs Law. 不构成犯罪的,依照海关法的规定处罚。
- LAB's customers are all returned ones.They would like genuine, exaggerating and comfortable products. 喜欢光顾“LAB”店的客人基本都是回头客,他们要买的就是纯正、夸张和舒适。
- Supplier Facility Access- suppliers shall allow access to their facility and their sub-suppliers facilities to TRW and TRW's customers. 供应商设备通道-供应商应允许TRW及其顾客有权使用他们的和他们的分供应商的设备。