- As the theory and methodology for war preparation and war implementation, strategics gained unprecedented development in Qin Han Dynasty. 作为战争准备和战争实施理论与方法的兵学,在秦汉得到了空前的升华。
- To Qin Han times, appeared fleet of blessing of Qin Dai Xu takes the sea-voyage eastward the feat of Japan and the indian ocean of Yuan Hang of seagoing vessel of the Western Han Dynasty. 到秦汉时代,出现了秦代徐福船队东渡日本和西汉海船远航印度洋的壮举。
- the Warring States Period and Qin Han Dynasties 战国秦汉
- Early prevenient the Qin Dynasty or Qin Han period, already formed the feudal emperor of big unify.. 早在先秦或秦汉时期,就已形成大一统的封建帝...
- Paper was invented in the Han dynasty. 纸是在汉朝发明的。
- Chinese feudalism legitimism law thought comes into being from Qin Han, after development of Wei Jin southern and northern dynastiets , till attaining perfection in Tang Dynasty. 中国封建正统法律思想自秦汉产生,经魏晋南北朝的发展,至唐代臻于完善。
- There are recordation of the origin of Qin in the documents of Xian Qin and Han Dynasty. 摘要先秦与汉以后的文献中均有对琴起源的记载。
- The map of the silk-route in Han Dynasty. 汉代丝绸之路地图。
- Medicine China medicine complete system, also is establishes in the the Qin and Han Dynasty time. 医学中国医学的完整体系,也是在秦汉时期建立起来的。
- Three Kingdoms of Shu Han dynasty establishment. 蜀汉王朝的建立者。
- Nice.A loricae gold inlaid in Han dynasty. 不错,汉代的镏金铠甲泡钉。
- We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans. 我们可以比较汉朝和罗马。
- Zhao Cuo was from Rongzhou in the Han Dynasty. 但是晁错很骄傲,朝中的大臣对他很不服。
- Second, we discussed the Jia in Han Dynasty. 第二章中,论述了两汉时期的“家”。
- After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion. 墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。
- How was the Great Wall built in the Qin and Han dynasties? 在秦汉时期长城是怎样修建的?
- While this system continued in Qin and Han dynasty, the She tended to separate from Li. 从战国至汉代,里、社合一之制基本得到延续,然而里、社分离的历史趋势已明显存在。
- China as a united multi-ethnic country was created by the Qin Dynasty and consolidated and developed by the Han Dynasty. 经过秦朝的开创、汉朝的巩固与发展,中国统一的多民族国家从此奠定。
- West Han Dynasty to the early Qin Dynasty replaced the original gun Xue Lu, Zhi Lu where the county (this, Shandong Qufu). 西汉朝初将秦朝原来的薛郡改为鲁国,治所在鲁县(今山东曲阜)。
- They exhibited unearthed cultural relics of the Han Dynasty. 他们展览了出土的汉代文物。