- Qimen Guniujiang 祁门牯牛降
- Abstract : The text investigated the conditions of Monimopetalum Chinese in Guniujiang Nature Reservation of Qimen for knowing their basic conditions. 摘要 : 为了了解祁门牯牛降自然保护区的永瓣藤基本情况,对其进行了实地调查。
- Qimen is well known for its black tea. 祁门以盛产红茶闻名。
- It's time to say goodbye ,Qimen! 是该觉悟的时候了!
- Qimen is well known for its black tea . 祁门以盛产红茶闻名。
- Qimen region is a key area of East-China flora. 祁门蕨类植物区系在区系区划上应属于典型的华东地区。
- Qimen Black Tea, Huangshan Maofeng Tea, and Jasmine Tea are all very famous. 还有祁门红茶、黄山毛峰、茉莉花茶等等,都是很有名的。
- Keemun is a famous brand of tea produced in Qimen County, Anhui province. 祁红是安徽祁门一带出产的名茶。
- An investigation on the bryophytes of Guniujiang Natural Reserve of Anhui Province. 牯牛降自然保护区苔藓植物初步调查.
- Qimen Black Tea, Huangshan Maofeng Tea, Jasmine Tea, etc. They are all very famous. 还有祁门红茶、黄山毛峰、茉莉花茶等等,都是很有名的。
- Qimen black tea for the efforts of treasures, is the world's three major high-tea one. 祁门红茶为工夫红茶中的珍品,是世界三大高香名茶之一。
- One of the Corporation to produce and operate origin Qimen black tea, tea Huangshan MAO Feng gift for the high-end features. 黄山毛峰产于黄山境内海拔七百米以上的高山深谷,是中国十大名茶之一,为中国绿茶之极品。
- The spermatophyta flora of Qimen is rich, and 17 of these species are the rare and endangered plants protected by law in China. 该地区的种子植物优势科为木通科、猕猴桃科、槭树科、金缕梅科、榆科等亚热带和温带分布科。
- During 1932-1941 years, The National government has carried on the corresponding improvement measure in view of the Qimen black tea for sale abroad. 1941年间,国民政府针对祁门红茶的外销进行了相应的改良措施。
- Grown in Qinmen County, Anhui Province,Qimen Black Tea is featured for its “treasure light”, meaning the glittering pitch-black colour. 产于安微省祁门县。祁门红茶条索紧秀,锋苗好,色泽乌黑泛黑光,俗称“宝光;
- Keemun is produced in the Qimen County of Huangshan City, in Anhui (Anhwei) province. ("Keemun" was the English spelling for "Qimen" during the coloni... 祁门红茶,又称祁门工夫红茶,是一种具有酒香和果味的红茶,出产于中国中部的安徽祁门县,简称祁红。祁门红茶是中国十大名茶之中...
- Qimen tea before Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty in the early years, to the high-known, has a unique fresh-lasting fragrance, called on the international market, "Qimen Hong Kong. 祁门红茶始制于清代光绪初年,向高香著称,具有独特的清鲜持久的香味,国际市场上称之为“祁门香”。
- Tunxi District is the seat of Huangshan City, Huangshan City, set up under the three four-county area, Tunxi District, Huangshan District, Huizhou District, County, Yixian, County, County Qimen. 屯溪区就是黄山市所在地,黄山市下设三区四县,有屯溪区、黄山区、徽州区,歙县、黟县、休宁县、祁门县。
- According to investigation, there are 1 822 wild species(including subspecies, varieties, forms) in 731 genera of 147 families in Qimen region, located in the south of Anhui Province. 祁门地区位于皖南山区南端,种子植物区系组成丰富,经调查种子植物有147科731属1822种(包括亚种、变种、变型),其中17种为国家级珍稀濒危保护植物。
- According to investigation, there are 1822 wild species (including subspecies, varieties, forms) in 731 genera of 147 families in Qimen region, located in the south of Anhui Province. 摘要祁门地区位于皖南山区南端,种子植物区系组成丰富,经调查种子植物有147科731属1822种(包括亚种、变种、变型),其中17种为国家级珍稀濒危保护植物。