- Qia Baoyu 贾宝玉
- Industry functional Area Gao Qia. 富阳市高桥镇工业功能区。
- Cho's wife or not, the man will be its Qia fainted. 赵某的妻子不愿意,该男子就将其掐昏。
- Hasi: His Chinese name is Baoyu, He is from Naiman ensign. 哈斯:汉文名字叫宝玉,奈曼旗人。
- Baoyu observed that Daiyu was looking even more ethereal. "宝玉心中品度黛玉,越发出落的超逸了"
- Jia Baoyu was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 贾宝玉生在富贵人家。
- Baoyu fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. 那宝玉就枕便睡着了
- So Baoyu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dice or draughts. "因此;宝玉只和众丫头们掷骰子赶围棋作戏.;"
- Mingyan was Baoyu's most serviceable page but he was young and inexperienced. "这茗烟乃是宝玉第一个得用的,且又年轻不谙世事"
- It tells us a tragic love story of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in ancient China. 它讲述了,中国古代发生的贾宝玉和林黛玉悲惨的爱情故事。
- They hurried forward at sight of Baoyu and stood at respectful attention. "一见了宝玉;赶来都一齐垂手站住.;"
- Baoyu went over to sit beside Daiyu and once more gazed fixedly at her. "宝玉便走近黛玉身边坐下,又细细打量一番"
- Hence my guess that this Baoyu you mentioned belongs to the same category. "所以;方才你一说这宝玉;我就猜着了八九亦是这一派人物.;"
- The attendance letter showing my name being Jia Baoyu,Is inits B or BY? 紧急求助,是以考生的真实汉语姓名为准还是准考信为准?
- The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has launched a venture aiming to invest in food production worldwide. 卡塔尔投资局(QIA)出台了一套投资计划,瞄准全世界范围内的粮食生产业。
- The principle with cardiac muscle contractive cell and bone Qia flesh are similar. 心肌细胞收缩的原理与骨髂肌相似。
- Scathing limits can involve the Xiaoguan between film of muscle, ligament, muscle, vertebra joint of Qia of section, Di or lumbar Di joint. 损伤的范围可涉及肌肉、韧带、筋膜、椎间小关节、骶髂关节或腰骶关节。
- Then Baoyu had two bowls of soup made from pickled bamboo-shoots and duck-skin and half a bowl of greenrice porridge. "作酸笋鸡皮汤;宝玉痛喝了两碗;吃了半碗碧粳粥.;"
- The most reliable method is barium meal radiography, if the stomach is little,the turn connects a line under Ji of two side Qia, can diagnose for gastroptosis. 最可靠的方法是钡餐造影,假如胃小弯低于两侧髂嵴连线,就可以诊断为胃下垂。
- Baoyu in a daze did all the goddess had told him. We can draw a veil over his first act of love. "那宝玉恍恍惚惚;依警幻所嘱之言;未免有儿女之事;难以尽述.;"