- Qi Biao Jia 祁彪佳
- On the Aesthetic Significance of QI Biao -jia's Theory of Drama's Main Part 论祁彪佳戏剧本体论的美学意义
- Look, Han Jia, what a huge Qi writing brush! 韩佳,你看,还有这么大的齐笔呀!
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- And,of course,so did Lin Biao and Jiang Qing. 林彪、江青更不用说了。
- What he feared was that Xiao Jia may take offence. 他担心的是小贾可能生气。
- He then got a second call and spoke to Wan Biao. 过了一会,他收到第二个电话并与万飚通了话。
- The life of Biao Han doesn't need to be explain. 镖悍的人生不需要解释。
- Hey, Han Jia, why are you drinking pond water here? 哎,韩佳,你怎么能随便喝生水呢?
- But at this critical juncture, the owner of Jingzhou, Liu Biao yi bing bu qi but soon passed away. 但是就在这个紧要的关头,荆州的拥有者刘表却一病不起,即将离开人世。
- Shenzhen JIA YUAN XING hardoare Co., Ltd. 深圳市嘉源兴五金制品有限公司。
- Shi Jia Zhuang Hua Cheng Preckion Casting Co., Ltd. 石家庄华成精密铸件有限公司。
- I found a Qi Baishi among the exhibits. 我在展品中发现了一幅齐白石的画。
- Eh, Han Jia, The scenery here is so good. 嘉宾:哎,韩佳,这边景色好。
- By chance, Xu Qi met Liu Wei, her current partner. 偶然的机会,Rebecca认识了刘玮,她现在的合作伙伴。
- Eh, Han Jia, does it matter if I watch these trees? 哎,韩佳,看古树,没关系吧?
- Why does Cui Qi not use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?
- Eh, Han Jia, what's the name of this baby? 韩佳,你说这个娃娃叫什么呀?
- It seems Han Jia would be trained to be a captain. 得,改培训韩佳当船长了。
- Oh, no bother. I'd better go ask Han Jia. 得,您先歇会儿吧。我呀还是去问韩佳吧。