- Xiao Ming studies as hard as Qiu Ting. 小明和邱婷学得一样刻苦。
- Low grades are get ting Helen down. 考分很低使海纶闷闷不乐。
- He is banking on get- ting a loan from his father to set up in business. 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。
- You have once losing consciousness one liang day. 你曾经有一两天不省人事。
- Mr. Ting is a grandmaster of science. 丁先生是科学大师。
- The man on the right is Lao Liang. 右边的人是老梁。
- In fact, the war of Jie Ting Fort was a good chance for ZHUGE Liang to wipe out SIMA Yi. 其实,街亭之战本来是诸葛亮消灭司马懿的一个天赐良机。
- Zhang Qiu Zhen Yu Forging Co., Ltd. 章丘振宇锻造有限公司宁波三鑫机电制造有限公司。
- I think they have charged twice for the same ting. 我觉得有一道菜收了两份钱。
- Zhuge Liang is a synonym for wisdom in folklore. 诸葛亮在民间传说中成了智慧的代名词。
- Ren Qiu Gao Yi Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. 任丘市高益焊接设备有限公司。
- She hunted the house over for her lost ting. 她在房子里搜寻丢失的戒指。
- Qiu Baochang: Now is large area really divulge. 邱宝昌:现在确实是大面积泄露。
- Interpreted by Pastor Onn Liang using Mandarin. 梁雅安牧师用国语传译
- Oh, what a dreadful ting to happen! 哦,发生这样的事是多么的不幸啊!
- "Clearly, QIU Shi-kai is the speakers chiling. 显然,邱士楷是林志玲的扩音器。
- Aunt Liang tried to make us stay for supper. 梁大婶要留我们吃晚饭。
- Qiu Xinghua's reply was just as surprising. 邱兴华的回答同样超出人们的意料。
- Tian Liang won the gold medal of men's platform. 田亮夺得了男子跳台金牌。
- Shashibiya ping jie wen ji / Qiu Ke'an zhu. 莎士比亚评介文集 / 裘克安著.