- LU XUN, LAO SHE and QIAN ZHONG SHU are three modern writers of entirely different personalities, but they are all famous with the writing style which is humor and satirize. 鲁迅、老舍、钱钟书是三位性格迥异的现代作家,但他们都以幽默讽刺的写作风格著称。
- On Criticism of the Spiritual World of the Intellectuals by Qian Zhong shu and His Contributions 论钱钟书对知识分子精神世界的批判与建构
- QIAN Zhong - shu 钱钟书
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Hou Han shu bu biao / Qian Dazhao zhuan. 与下列同本:后汉书补表/钱大昭撰.
- Qian Zhong - lian 钱仲联
- Huang Zhong, a veteran in the army of Shu, was one of its top five generals. 黄忠是蜀军中有名的老将。
- Fa Fen Zhu Shu is the most important literature thought of Sims Qian. 司马迁为辞赋家立传并在其传中大量录入辞赋作品。
- Xiao Qian is supposed to be going with me. 估计小钱要和我一道去。
- Qian Weiqing, ed.; The Legal Report of SOE's Reform. Casa Editrice Zhong Xin, 2004. 钱卫清(主编):国有企业改革法律报告,中信出版社,2004
- Series Tangshan shi pu Taiwan wen xian lei bian. Taiwan guan xi zu pu cong shu ; di 6 zhong. 唐山世谱台湾文献类编.;台湾关系族谱丛书;第6种
- As for the rising sun, the wind Zhanyi egret, evaded as Xie Fei, Qian Shu like cotton. 至于旭日东升,白鹭迎风展翼,款款斜飞,宛如棉花千树。
- Now Zhong'Nan'Hai is open to the public. 现在中南海已对游人开放。
- It is said Qian Hong is getting old for swimming. 据说钱红作为游泳运动员来说年龄偏大。
- Zebra: I volunteer my services instead Yang Shu. 斑马:我毛遂自荐代杨舒来主持节目的。
- Zhong Shan Eurasia Garment Manufactory Ltd. 中山欧亚制衣有限公司。
- Nan Qian admires her piano teacher very much. 南茜很仰慕她的钢琴老师。
- Zhong Shan Road is a busy street. 中山路是一条热闹的街道。
- Hi, Geng Shu! I really had a good time yesterday. 哎耿姝昨天实在是玩得太高兴了。
- I volunteer my services instead Yang Shu. 我毛遂自荐代杨舒来主持节目的。