- To warm and replenish qi and blood. 温补气血。
- Mutton nourishes qi and blood for lung deficiency. 羊肉补气血,肺虚最相宜。
- The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases. 气血不和,百病乃变化而生。
- For conducting the flow of qi and blood through the body. 负责气血在体内的传导。
- Chinese dates and red Beans can warm and nourish qi and Blood. 红枣赤豆,温补气血。
- QI and blood theory 气血理论
- The time and space abnormal information of “Qi and blood” should be grasped a nd the research should make organic combination of the theory,technique and exp eriment study. 把握人体“气血”的时间、空间异常信息,是从信息角度开展经络病候诊断客观化的思路,包括理论、技术、实验三方面的研究与有机结合。
- Patients of CHD often suffer from angina accompanied with the symptoms of“ Deficiency of Qi and Blood of the Heart”. 本文提出三个临床案例,均为西药疗效不彰的冠心病心绞痛病患。
- This tonic, powerfully, reinforcing Both qi and Blood in human Bodies, is suitaBle for use By old persons. 本补剂大补气血,适宜老年人服用。
- Imbalance between yin and yang, disorder of qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians. 阴阳失调,气血失常、经络和脏腑功能紊乱等。
- Drugs with the effect of warming and nourishing qi and blood ate suitable for patients of weak constitution. 温补气血的药适宜体虚病人。
- Patients of CHD often suffer from angina accompanied with the symptoms of "Deficiency of Qi and Blood of the Heart". 本文提出三个临床案例,均为西药疗效不彰的冠心病心绞痛病患。
- It is argued that MS is caused by kidney deficiency and treated by nourishing kidney, enriching qi and blood. 多发性硬化是由于肾气亏虚、痰瘀互结所致,治疗宜补肾益气、活血化瘀。
- The volt-ampere characteristics can be used as a quantitative index to study on the change of Qi and blood. 穴位伏安特性有可能作为研究气血变化的定量指标。
- Stagnancy of qi and blood stasis produce evil heat.excessive heat brings about slough and running sore or ulcer. 气血瘀滞、水湿淤积,淤久化热、热胜肉腐而成疮脓、即形成溃疡;
- Furthermore,PD patients with deficency of liver and kidney of impairment of Qi and blood were the better indicators. 而且更适用于肝肾不足、气血两虚兼见痰瘀证型的治疗。
- Patients of CHD often suffer from angina accompanied with the symptoms of “Deficiency of Qi and Blood of the Heart”. 本文提出三个临床案例,均为西药疗效不彰的冠心病心绞痛病患。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
- Yangqi ascends in spring.The liver prefers smooth regulation of qi and blood but is averse to depression. 春季阳光升发,肝气喜疏泄而角抑郁,宜食辛甘发散为阳之品,以顺应肝之疏泄,如葱荽、大枣、花生等;
- Dispersion aims at the liver, including qi and blood, activating diuresis and distension relieving. 补法着重于脾肾,包括益气、健脾、补益气血、温补脾肾、滋补肝肾等法。