- Cultivars with different resistance showed an identical response when inoculated with Pythium inflatum or Fusarium moniliforme. 不同抗性品种用肿囊腐霉菌和串珠镰刀菌接种测定,抗性反应基本一致。
- Study on the physiological changes of dehydrated virus potato root during infection with Pythium inflatum 脱毒马铃薯感染青枯病后根部的生理变化
- Pythium inflatumn. 肿囊腐霉
- Objective;To investigate the mosquito host range of Pythium carolinianum. 目的:调查和探讨灭蚊真菌-卡地腐霉的蚊虫宿主范围。
- It is suggested that, only Pythium myriotylum is the causal agent of the cocoyam root rot disease in Cameroon. 研究结果表明:群结腐霉Pythium myriotylum Drechsler是喀麦隆芋艿根腐病的致病菌。
- Uses: Control of Phytophthora and Pythium spp. in ornamentals, cotton, peanuts, vegetables, turf, and other crops. 可应用于蔬菜、棉花、花生、烟草和观赏植物,防治土壤传播的病害。
- The PMR and CMR analyses indicate that they are identical with cyclosporin B and C which isolated from Tolypocladium inflatum Gams reported by Sandoz Ltd. 分析它们高分辨的质子和~(13)C-核磁共振谱的信号归属,证实它们的化学结构式与Sandoz公司从Tolypocladium inflatum Gams代谢物中分离获得的环孢菌素B和C同质。
- The tests were carried out by use of the Pythium Carolinianum for white mice,goldfish,chicken and rabbits et al. 通过口服(灌胃)、拌料饲喂、腹腔注射和静脉注射等途径试验了卡地腐霉对小白鼠、金鱼、鸡、家兔等的安全性。
- Pythiosis is a disease cause by a water mould of the genus Pythium, P. insidiosum. Pythiosis病是由腐霉属的一种水霉菌引起的疾病。
- Fig 1.The baiting rate of Pythium spp. from Da-Ping-Ding field soil in different months during 1999-2000. 图一、Fig.;1
- Plants with phytophthora and pythium root rot occurred mainly in clay or silt loam fields flooded or with high soil moisture. 调查发现,大豆疫霉根腐病和终极腐霉根腐病主要发生在土质粘重、土壤含水量高或易积水的田块。
- PBK is the environment protection product special for Pythium Blight, which infect rapidly, damage severe and control difficult. 腐霉净 是针对腐霉病发病快、为害严重、防治难以彻底等特点,研究开发的专性环保防治产品。
- Polygonatum inflatum Kom. [医] 毛筒玉竹
- Fungicide chemicals to control and prevent outbreaks of disease. Diseases include Dollar Spot, Pythium, Southern Blight, Anthracnose, Rhizoctonina. 预防和控制疾病发生,包括钱斑病、腐霉病、白绢病、炭疽病、褐斑病.
- This indicated that CH1 could induce resistance of cucumber to Pythium aphanidermatum by increasing its enzymes activities of phenolic metabolism. 说明CH1是通过提高黄瓜植株体内酚类物质代谢的酶活性来激发酚类物质的积累,从而诱导黄瓜对猝倒病产生抗性。
- CyclosporineA is a new immunosuppressant extracted from Tolypocladium inflatum which selectively inhibits T cells activation and is primarily applied in rejection of organ transplantation. 环孢菌素A是从真菌中提取的一种新型免疫抑制剂,可选择性作用于T细胞,抑制其活化,现主要应用于器官移植时的排斥反应。
- Biochemistry: Mode of action: Systemic soil and seed fungicide.Uses: Control of soil-borne diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Corticium and Typhula spp. 作用特点内吸性杀菌剂,同时又是一种土壤消毒剂,对腐霉病、镰刀菌等引起的猝倒病有较好的预防效果。
- The biocontrol effects of different bacteria on soybean root rot pathogen(Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium oxysporum) and Heterodera glycines were tested. 本试验对部分细菌菌株对大豆根腐病菌及大豆胞囊线虫的抑制效果进行了研究。
- Pythium sp. 白绢病病菌
- Pythium spp. 腐霉