- A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。
- Pyramided traits 聚合体
- Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe. 她初见金字塔时,敬畏之感油然而生。
- The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
- A common trait or characteristic. 共同特征或共同性质
- A group of individuals linked by traits held in common. 同种,同类因具有共同的特性而联系在一起的个体的集合
- Families are at the base of a socio-economic pyramid. 家庭是社会经济金字塔的基础。
- The characteristic traits or customs of Occidental peoples. 西洋风味西方人习惯或品质性格特征
- The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world. 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。
- Jim's two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy. 吉姆最讨人喜欢的两个特征是豪爽和充满活力。
- One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public. 他有个不大讨人喜欢的特点,就是爱当众责备妻子。
- A custom, trait, or tradition originating in the United States. 美国习俗,美国方式起源于美国的习惯、特性或传统
- To assume the shape of a pyramid. 呈金字塔形状
- Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits. 主要有母性遗传特性的
- Government in America is like a layered pyramid. 美国政府就像是分层的金字塔。
- Consumer lending had pyramided since the war. 战後消费者借贷节节上升。
- Repose of manner is an estimable trait in a horse. 神情镇定是一匹马可贵的特质。
- Business Opportunity or Pyramid Scheme? 事业机会还是金字塔计划?
- He is very brave, among other good traits. 在各种不同的优良品质中,他也是很勇敢的。
- It same size as the Great Pyramid in Egypt. 它与埃及的大金字塔同样大小。