- Putin Aims to Unite Russia 普京欲团结俄罗斯
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Yoga is an ancient system with no religious affiliation. There are various traditions of yoga most of which aim to unite the body and the mind. 瑜伽是一套古老的体系,没有宗教的参与。修习瑜伽有很多传统,大都指向肉体与灵魂的融合。
- Television has given blanket coverage to United Russia and dished dirt on all opposition. 电视所有的播报都关于联合俄罗斯党,而且报道着所有反对党的负面消息。
- He aims to be a successful writer. 他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。
- He aim to streamline the office. 他的目标是提高办公室的工作效率。
- My brother aims to be a novelist. 我兄弟立志当小说家。
- The company is aim to increase productivity. 该公司的目的在于提高生产率。
- This charity aims to help people to help themselves. 这一慈善团体的宗旨是帮助人们实行自助。
- The Post Office aims to improve its quality of service. 邮局锐意改善服务质量。
- Sports also have an unique ability to unite people. 此外,体育也有团结人民的作用。
- He aims to encourage mutual understanding. 他的目的在于增进相互了解。
- They need to unite with and support each other. 他们需要互相团结,互相支持。
- Prior to the elections, Putin made a television address asking eligible voters to cast ballots for United Russia to stick to the development path on which he has set the nation. 普京总统在选举之前发表了一个电视讲话,呼吁选民支持统一俄罗斯党,以保证“普京路线”得以延续。
- To unite so as to be continuous; blend. 结合为一体为了保持连续性而联合;混和
- It aims to tell the reader interesting facts. 它的目的旨在给读者介绍有趣的事物。
- Russian President Vladimir Putin described Sunday's parliamentary elections and the victory of the United Russia party that he leads as a demonstration of confidence. 俄罗斯总统普京称,在上周日举行的国家杜马选举中,他所领导的统一俄罗斯党获胜,这体现了民众对他的信任。
- It aims to the recognition of the bank's name. 它的目标是使银行的名称能家喻户晓。
- But the party was created only last October, and like United Russia, it is sycophantically loyal to the Kremlin in general and to Vladimir Putin in particular. 不过这个去年10月才成立的政党与统一俄罗斯党一样,多数情况下对克林姆林宫尤其是普金都会作出忠心耿耿的姿态。
- If we manage to unite, we may win this competition. 如果我们团结一致,就会赢得这场比赛。