- In such cases he would put on an aggrieved look. 在这样的时候,他就会装出一副可怜相。
- Put on an insurance. 参加保险。
- She didn't put on an overcoat though it was very cold outside. 外头虽冷,她却没披件外套。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量
- He put on an air of indifference. 他摆出了一副满不在乎的神气。
- He put on an act, which showed him up completely. 他这番表演, 真可谓淋漓尽致。
- Put on an apron so you won't get dirty. 穿上一个肚兜,以免弄脏衣服。
- She put on an impressive turn of speed to overtake the others. 她突然奋勇加速力图超过别人。
- This was done to put on an appearance of booming business. 这样做,为的是造成一个生意兴隆的样子。
- Whenever she was reprimanded she would put on an aggrieved look. 她只要受到谴责,就会装出一副受委曲的样子。
- With the Communist Party,China has put on an entirely new look. 有了共产党,中国的面貌就焕然一新。
- He put on an act of being busy working to avoid seeing me. 他装出一副忙于工作的样子避开我。
- She did not put on an overcoat though it was very cold outside. 外头虽冷,她却没披件外套。
- He put on an apron and peeled the apples,chatting with Elena. 他围上围裙,一边削苹果,一边和埃莱娜交谈。
- He put on an impressive turn of speed in the last lap. 他在最后一圈猛然加速。
- He put on an air of innocence, but it did not deceive us. 他装出一副天真纯朴的样。
- She always puts on an air of innocence. 她总是装出一副纯纯的样子。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他开始从事保险经纪人的职业。
- He put on an act of being busy working Io avoid seeing me. 他装出一副忙于工作的样子避开我。
- She's just putting on an act,ie only pretending. 她只是装模作样罢了。