- Punishment Prescribed by Law 处罚法定
- The organization of people's courts is prescribed by law. 人民法院的组织由法律规定。
- The organization of people's procuratorates is prescribed by law. 人民检察院的组织由法律规定。
- The organization of the State Council is prescribed by law. 国务院的组织由法律规定。
- The electoral units have the power, through procedures prescribed by law, to recall the deputies whom they elected. 原选举单位有权依照法律规定的程序罢免本单位选出的代表。
- All religious bodies independently carry out religious activities within the scope prescribed by law. 各宗教团体在法律允许的范围内,自主地开展教务活动。
- The organization of local people's congresses and local people's governments at different levels is prescribed by law. 地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府的组织由法律规定。
- The system regarding the issue of Hong Kong currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law. 港币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。
- The electoral units have the power,through procedures prescribed by law,to recall the deputies whom they elected. 原选举单位有权依照法律规定的程序罢免本单位选出的代表。
- The monetary and financial systems of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be prescribed by law. 香港特别行政区的货币金融制度由法律规定。
- The number of deputies to the National People's Congress and the manner of their election are prescribed by law. 全国人民代表大会代表名额和代表产生办法由法律规定。
- The number of deputies to the National People's Congress and the procedure of their election are prescribed by law. 全国人民代表大会代表名额和代表产生办法由法律规定。
- Other violations against the litigation procedures prescribed by law which may hamper impartiality of a trial. 其他违反法律规定的诉讼程序,可能影响公正审判的。
- The powers and functions of the district organizations and the method for their formation shall be prescribed by law. 区域组织的职权和组成方法由法律规定。
- The functions, powers and structure of the municipal organizations shall be prescribed by law. 第九十六条市政机构的职权和组成由法律规定。
- The structure, powers and functions as well as operation of the procuratorates shall be prescribed by law. 检察院的组织、职权和运作由法律规定。
- The monetary and financial systems of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be prescribed by law. 第一百零七条澳门特别行政区的货币金融制度由法律规定。
- Article 181 The company may not establish any separate accounting book besides the accounting books prescribed by law. 第一百八十一条:公司除法定的会计帐册外,不得另立会计帐册。
- The electoral units have the power, through procedures prescribed by law, to recall deputies they elected. 原选举单位有权依照法律规定的程序罢免本单位选出的代表。
- Issuance and trading of government bonds shall be prescribed by law or administrative regulations separately. 政府债券的发行和交易,由法律、行政法规另行规定。