- A management system for PAD (Public Access to Defibrillation) Programs. 程序的一个管理系统。
- Public access is the normal level for a programming element when you do not need to limit access to it. 公共访问是在不需要限制对编程元素的访问时的正常级别。
- USENIX is pleased to announce open public access to all its conference proceedings. USENIX宣布,他们将开放他们所有的会议记录。
- NIH public access policy has an important role of enhancing public access to information resource. 摘要美国NIH公共获取政策对提高信息资源公共获取具有很重要的作用。
- This paper focuses on the implication and the development of system of public access to information resource. 文章主要探析了信息资源公共获取的涵义和信息资源公共获取制度溯源。
- A Land Administration Programme (LAP) is currently underway to improve access to land, and ensure certainty of land rights. 当前,正在开展土地管理计划(LAP),以改善土地获得,保障地权的可靠性。
- Access to land and security of tenure are key considerations in Ghana as the majority of its population are engaged as food and cash crop farmers. 在加纳,从事粮食和经济作物生产的农民占人口大多数,因此,土地获得与使用权保障是加纳政府考虑的重点问题。
- The system was enhanced during the year and now provides public access to the libraries'on-time catalogue through the Internet. 年内,临时市政局加强了电脑系统,推出透过互联网翻查图书馆联机目录的服务。
- The impacts of insecure access to land have particularly been very devastating for vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, and landless youth. 对于妇女、外流人口和无地青年等弱势群体来说,土地获得无保障尤其导致了破坏性的影响。
- The Permit Holder shall suspend chemical delivery operation during public events that allow public access to the plant facilities. 许可证持有人须在举行容许公众进入污水处理厂设施的活动期间,暂停化学品的运送工作。
- I didn't think to land myself in trouble. 我没想到会使自己陷入困境。
- The system was enhanced during the year and now provides public access to the libraries' on-time catalogue through the Internet. 年内,临时市政局加强了电脑系统,推出透过互联网翻查图书馆联机目录的服务。
- He was lucky to land a good job. 他很幸运,找到一份好工作。
- Promoting the public access to government information resources is essential for realizing government informationization. 促进政府信息资源公共获取是实现政府信息化的需要。
- The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely. 飞行员设法让受到破坏的飞机安全著陆。
- Wu access to land tenure, the use of the original plant opened casings plant was run to the use of land use rights for commercial. 吴某获得土地使用权后,利用原来的厂房开起了肠衣厂,刘某则利用获得的土地使用权兴建商住楼。
- My next stop was the federal Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database, which contains U.S.District, Appellate and Bankruptcy court records. 我调查的下一站是联邦公共访问法院电子档案(PACER)数据库,该数据库包含美国地方法院、上诉法院及破产法院档案。
- CIHR, a major funder of health research in Canada, has just implemented a policy that encourages open public access to research and scholarship funded by CIHR. CIHR是加拿大的一个主要研究健康保健的机构,它刚刚实施了一条政策,鼓励开放公众资源用于研究并以CIHR的名义成立了一项奖励基金。
- These trends exacerbate competition and conflicts over access to land, water and biological resources, accentuate extreme poverty and hunger, and undermine political stability. 这些趋势加剧了对土地、水和生物资源获得的竞争和冲突,使极端贫穷和饥饿更为突出,破坏了政治稳定。
- In Angola FAO has ben able to achieve the opening of dialogue at the local level between powerful private entrepreneurs and local communities on issues related to access to land. 在安哥拉,粮农组织成功地在地方一级组织召开了强大的私人企业主与地方社区之间的对话,就有关土地获得的问题展开对话。