- Medical adhesive in the treatment of eyelid injury. 医用胶治疗眼睑裂伤。
- Ptosis of eyelid 上睑下垂
- The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency. "眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全"这样翻译对不对?
- Operations were performed for their eyelid mass because of eyelid contour distortion and mechanical ptosis. 因为它们造成了眼睑形状的扭曲和眼睑下垂,所以两例都接受了手术治疗。
- In patients seeking upper eyelid blepharoplasty who also have ptosis of the eyebrows, the lateral brow fat pad can be contoured to help in highlighting the lateral aspect of the superior orbital rim. 摘要对于有着明显上眼眶部外突或是眉部下垂的病患,我们可以在上眼睑成形术中经由切除外侧眉部下脂肪层而得到改善。
- Congenital ptosis of upper eyelid 先天性上眼睑下垂
- Objective To repair trauma of eyelid with cosm etic operation and technique. 目的遵循整形外科学原则和技术修复眼睑外伤。
- She suffered from ptosis of left eye and received ptosis correction under the impression of senile ptosis in Japan 1 year ago. 其曾因左上眼睑下垂被误诊为老年性眼睑下垂,于一年前赴日接受矫正手术。
- Already gastritis has ptosis of stomach again " the stomach is friendly " , treat gastritis first effective? Why? 既有胃炎又有胃下垂的“胃友”,先治胃炎有效吗?为什么?
- Jog makes direction of eyelid of man-made eyelash edge clingy oneself eyelash. 轻推使人造睫毛沿眼睑方向紧贴自己的睫毛。
- Efficacy: improve extension, looseness and ptosis of the breast, make it become tight and elastic. 美丽应答:改善外扩或松弛、下垂之胸部,使其紧实、有弹性。
- Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside. 内麦粒肿为睑板腺急性化脓性炎症。
- Conclusion:“xiaoketing” capsule has both preventive effeot to apo ptosis of insula B cells and promoting effect to regenesis of insula B cells. 结论:消渴停具有预防胰岛B细胞凋亡,促进胰岛B细胞再生的作用。
- Objective:It is to correct the aging face and functional deformities caused by senile blepharochalasis and ptosis of eyebrow. 目的:解决老年性眼睑松弛、眼眉下垂所致的容貌老态和功能障碍。
- Early surgery of severe congenital ptosis of the eyelid 重度先天性上睑下垂的早期手术治疗
- The procedure is usually performed to correct the ptosis of the eyebrow and lateral canthus,to eliminate the temporal and glabellar wrinkles as well etc. 在掌握指征的前提下,内窥镜骨膜下除皱能达到满意的效果。
- We present two cases of eyelid cavernous hemangioma with different and unique clinical manifestation. 我们报告两例眼睑的海绵窦血管瘤,它们具有不同的和独特的临床表徵。
- Methods: Based on the blepharocoloboma sizes of eyelid, we performed different eyelid plastic surgery. 方法:12例眼睑恶性肿瘤切除患者据眼睑缺损的大小分别施行不同的眼睑成形术。
- To study the effect of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis. 目的 :探讨用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造术的效果。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?