- The age hardening characteristic of Cu Ni Si Cr Fe alloy has been investigated in this paper. 研究了Cu Ni Si Cr Fe合金的时效强化特性。
- The morphology of microstructures and precipitatng phases of rapidly solidified Al 7.83 Fe alloy ribbon have been studied by TEM. 用透射电镜观察了快速凝固Al?7?83Fe 合金的组织形貌和相结构。
- A rapid, accurate and economic XRFS method for the analysis of Si Al Fe alloy is described in this paper.The sample powder is directly pressed into discs and used in the analysis. 采用粉末样品直接压片法,通过基体校正等手段,建立了新型铁合金硅铝铁X射线荧光分析方法。
- On the basis of analysis of activated silicon and aluminum components,a new smelting process of Si Al Fe alloy by use of coal spoil for replace a part of bauxite was proposed. 通过分析煤矸石的活性硅、铝成分,提出了以煤矸石代替部分铝钒土冶炼硅铝铁合金。
- Spheroidal graphite cast iron is made from 100% Longyan pig iron by using magnesium ferro silicon as nodulizing agent and adding 0 00%,0 01%,0 02%,0 03%,0 04%,0 05%,0 07% RE Si Fe alloy respectively. 全部采用龙岩生铁,制取球墨铸铁。球化剂为镁硅铁合金,同时分别添加0.00%25、0.01%25、0.02%25、0.03%25、0.04%25、0.05%25、0.07%25稀土硅铁合金进行球化处理。
- The microstructure,resistivity and mechanical property of Al Si Mn Fe alloys are studied. 试验研究了Al?Si?Mn?Fe 合金的金相组织、电阻率和力学性能。
- The work softening behaviors and mechanisms of three kinds of pure aluminium and three Al 2%Fe alloys in the rolling state at room temperature were studied. 研究了三种纯度的铝及其Al?2%25Fe合金在室温轧制状态下的加工软化行为及软化机理。
- Relationship Between Tinplate ATC Value and Sn Fe Alloy Layer 镀锡板ATC值与合金层之间的关系
- Electrochemical Study on the Formation of Dy?Fe Alloy in the Molten Chloride 氯化物熔体中镝铁合金形成的电化学研究
- The necklace was hallmarked with Pt 999. 那条白金项链上印有纯正优质标记。
- It's an alloy not readily drillable. 这是不易钻洞的合金。
- A Pueblo people located north-northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico. 陶斯人一支居住于美国新墨西哥州圣大菲城东北偏北的普埃布洛印地安人中的成员
- The course is 1 year FT, 2 years PT. 该课程全日制学习1年,非全日制学习两年。
- Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜和锌的合金。
- For metal, it ranges from6 pt, up to72 pt. 在金属活字方面,字大小的范围从6点至72点。
- A stable, corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy. 锆合金一种稳定而防腐蚀的锆合金
- One of our many examples: the PT Compact Family. 我们众多成功案例中的一个就是PT紧凑开关系列。
- Can I call you tomorrow morning at 10am PT? 明天上午10点我能打电话叫你吗?
- Keywords Tinplate;Black Plate;Internal Stress;Sn Fe Alloy Layer;Corrosion Resistance; 关键词镀锡板;原板;内应力;锡铁合金层;耐蚀性;