- For both HT and PT groups, the quadriceps of the affected knees was much weaker at all testing knee positions at the third month post reconstruction. 术后六个月时,两组患侧之股四头肌肌力皆有逐渐改善,但在部分的角度仍小于正常人。
- There were two kinds the rest times among two sets between two PT groups, one was the short rest time (5 sec.) group (SRT) and another one as long rest time (60 sec.) group (LRT). 实验期间依练习之休息间歇时间不同,将两实验组区分为短时间(5秒)休息组(短休组)和长时间(60秒)休息组(长休组)。
- I was the Secretary for the Russian PT Group's Shanghai office, responsible for domestic procurement and export to Russia. 我司是俄罗斯PT集团的上海办事处,负责国内采购并出口至俄罗斯。
- The effects of NO on apoptosis of L1210 cells: The apoptosis of L1210 cells in iPT group at 12 h (P < 0.05) and during 24 - 72 h (P < 0.01) was significantly higher than that in PT group and iPT plus DEVD-CHO group during 24 ?72 h (P < 0.05). NO对12 Gy钴60照射后诱导L1210细胞凋亡的影响:射线照射后L1210细胞凋亡率持续上升;质粒转染组24 h开始细胞凋亡率明显升高;与空载体转染组细胞凋亡率相比有显著差异(P<0.;05);质粒转染组加DEVD-CHO后细胞凋亡率有所下降;24 h开始与单独质粒转染组有显著的差异(P<0
- A 50% reduction in the number of treatment sessions in the CYR group with regard to the PT group was also predicted in order to reach the predefined recov-ery of ROM in this study. 对治疗会议的数量的50%25减少在CYR小组的关于PT小组在这项研究中也被预言为了到达ROM被预定义的补救。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。
- The group was made up of doctors. 这个团体是由医生组成的。
- A group of boys dashed out of the classroom. 一群男孩子从教室里冲出来。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。
- The necklace was hallmarked with Pt 999. 那条白金项链上印有纯正优质标记。
- He is a the most brisk young man in this group. 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- I stand out in a group interview. 在集体面试中脱颖而出。