- I had ridden from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay in about 12 hours. 我已经充满从费尔班克斯向普拉德霍湾约12个小时。
- Oil Company Shuts Down a Pipeline at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, the Largest Oil Field in the United States. 石油公司关闭美国阿拉斯加北部普拉德霍湾的石油管道,它是美国最大的油田。
- The Prudhoe Bay field, north of the Arctic Circle, provides eight percent of America's oil production. 普拉德霍湾油田地处北极圈北部,供应全美8%25的石油;
- Oil and gas was found in nineteen sixty-eight near Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska. 热带气候和美丽的海滨将世界各地的人吸引到这里。
- A military base during World War II, it is the southern terminus of the oil pipeline from Prudhoe Bay. 在第二次世界大战期间曾是军事基地,是源自普拉德霍湾的运油管道的南端终点。
- But experts say it would probably be months before the flow of oil from Prudhoe Bay returns to normal. 但专家们指出待普拉霍德湾的石油输送恢复正常恐怕还要好几个月的时间。
- She also gave me a stern warning about Prudhoe Bay's strict policy that prohibits any alcohol. 她也给了我一个严厉的警告,普拉德霍湾的严格的政策,禁止任何酒精。
- I rode on, making my way to the Prudhoe Bay Hotel, which was a clone of the Arctic Caribou Inn. 本人乘坐,使我的方式普拉德霍湾酒店,这是一个克隆北极驯鹿客栈。
- In the distance, there was a line of clouds at the horizon, and I knew that that Prudhoe Bay was near. 在远处,有一个系列的云彩在地平线上,我知道,这是普拉德霍湾附近。
- I was up early and called the Arctic Caribou Inn to schedule a tour of Prudhoe Bay. 我是年初,并呼吁北极驯鹿酒店安排参观了普拉德霍湾。
- I was assured that there would be space for me when I came back through after coming down from Prudhoe Bay. 我保证不会有空间对我来说,我回港后通过以后从普拉德霍湾。
- An Arctic fox lopes over snowy ground in Prudhoe Bay in an image shot before 1977 when oil wells began to sprout up across Alaska's North Slope. 在这张拍摄于1977年以前的照片上,一只北极狐轻盈的奔跑在普拉德霍湾的雪原上,那时油井开始树立在阿拉斯加北坡上。
- The oil company British Petroleum has shut down a pipeline connecting the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Alaska to the Trans-Alaska pipeline. 英国石油公司已关闭一条连接阿拉斯加普拉德霍湾油田与外联系的管道。
- The Wall Street Journal reports that oil companies, Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhillips owned even larger shares in Prudhoe Bay than B.P. 据华尔街日报报道,艾克森美孚与康菲石油国际两家石油公司在普拉霍德湾拥有比英国石油公司更多的投资。
- Now an 800-mile (about 1300 kilometers) pipeline has been built from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdes, a port on the south coast of Alaska. 现在已经把一条800英里长的输油管从北冰洋上的普拉德霍湾架设到了阿拉斯加南岸的港口城市瓦尔迪兹。
- The highway, 414 miles (666 kilometers) of gravel known as the Haul Road, was built to haul construction crews to the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. 高速公路,414英里(666公里)的砾石称为检获的道路,建立了检获的施工人员向普拉德霍湾油田。
- Europe's North Sea, Alaska's Prudhoe Bay and Mexico's Cantarell field in the Gulf of Mexico have all seen declining output. 例如欧洲的北海、阿拉斯加的普拉德霍湾和墨西哥湾的坎塔雷尔油田等产量都在下滑。
- The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation estimated that a minimum of 201,000 gallons spilled at Prudhoe Bay, the largest U. 据路透社3月10日报道,阿拉斯加环境保护部门表示,这次事故中泄漏的原油最低估计也有20.;1万加仑(4785桶)。
- Crude oil prices closed lower Tuesday on hopes that BP may not have to completely shut down its Alaska Prudhoe Bay oil field for repairs after all. 因为英国石油公司最终有可能不需要完全关闭其在阿拉斯加普拉德霍湾需要进行设备维修的油田(BP为全球第二大石油公司,在6日发现普拉德霍湾油田管道泄漏)。本周二,原油价格较前日有所下降。
- Earlier this month, production at British Petroleum's Prudhoe Bay facility was cut in the half, after a pipeline corrosion led to a spill. 这个月早些时候,由于管道因腐蚀导致溢出,英国普拉德湾石油产量减少了一半。