- The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes, including six major parks. 临时区域市政局所管理的公园和花园超逾600个,面积大小不一,当中包括6个大型公园。
- The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes,including six major parks. 临时区域市政局所管理的公园和花园超逾600个,面积大小不一,当中包括6个大型公园。
- Each district committee comprised Provisional Regional Council members and other members co-opted from provisional district boards and the local community. 每个地区委员会皆由临时区域市政局议员及来自临时区议会和地方组织的增选委员组成。
- At the end of the year, 14 and four lifeguard clubs operated in the Provisional Urban Council and Provisional Regional Council areas respectively. 年底时,在临时市政局和临时区域市政局辖区服务的拯溺会分别有14个和4个。
- At the end of the year,14 and four lifeguard clubs operated in the Provisional Urban Council and Provisional Regional Council areas respectively. 年底时,在临时市政局和临时区域市政局辖区服务的拯溺会分别有14个和4个。
- The provisional regional council operates 26 libraries,including three central libraries,19 district libraries and four mobile libraries. 临时区域市政局共设有26间图书馆,包括3间中央图书馆、19间地区图书馆及4所流动图书馆。
- For the safety of swimmers, shark prevention nets have been installed at 21 Provisional Regional Council beaches and 11 Provisional Urban Council beaches. 为了泳客的安全,临时区域市政局辖下21个泳滩,以及临时市政局辖下11个泳滩均已装设防鲨网。
- The Provisional Regional Council operates 26 libraries, including three central libraries, 19 district libraries and four mobile libraries. 临时区域市政局共设有26间图书馆,包括3间中央图书馆、19间地区图书馆及4所流动图书馆。
- The Provisional Regional Council manages three major civic centres in Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun and three smaller ones in North District, Tai Po and Yuen Long. 临时区域市政局辖下有3间大型文娱中心,分别位于沙田、荃湾和屯门,以及3间较小型的文娱中心,分别位于北区、大埔和元朗。
- The Provisional Regional Council maintains 703 hectares of greenery in parks,gardens,sports grounds,soccer pitches,games areas and children's playgrounds in the New Territories. 临时区域市政局负责管理新界区内各公园、花园、运动场、足球场、体育用地及儿童游乐场的花草树木,这些绿化地带占地达703公顷。
- The Provisional Regional Council manages three major civic centres in Sha Tin,Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun and three smaller ones in North District,Tai Po and Yuen Long. 临时区域市政局辖下有3间大型文娱中心,分别位于沙田、荃湾和屯门,以及3间较小型的文娱中心,分别位于北区、大埔和元朗。
- For the safety of swimmers,shark prevention nets have been installed at 21 Provisional Regional Council beaches and 11 Provisional Urban Council beaches. 为了泳客的安全,临时区域市政局辖下21个泳滩,以及临时市政局辖下11个泳滩均已装设防鲨网。
- There are 41 gazetted bathing beaches - 12 on Hong Kong Island managed by the Provisional Urban Council and 29 in the New Territories and outlying islands by the Provisional Regional Council. 目前,宪报公布的泳滩共有41个:12个位于港岛,由临时市政局管理;29个位于新界及离岛区,由临时区域市政局管理。
- The council allocated each of the nine Provisional Regional Council District Committees a ceiling fund of $700,000 to subsidise the organisation of different kinds of festive activities. 在地区层面,临时区域市政局辖下9个地区委员会均获拨款,以资助筹办各类庆祝活动,每个地区的拨款额最高为70万元。
- Both events were organised by the HKTA and the Provisional Regional Council, in conjunction with the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association and the Hong Kong Sports Development Board (HKSDB). 上述两项活动都是由旅游协会及临时区域市政局联同香港龙舟总会及香港康体发展局合办。
- The Provisional Regional Council also provides facilities such as water slides and splash pools, which are very popular with youngsters, at its HinTin, Sheung Shui, Tai Po, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai, Ma On Shan and Tsing Yi swimming pools. 临时区域市政局也在显田、上水、大埔、荃湾、屯门、天水围、马鞍山及青衣的公众游泳池提供嬉水设施,例如滑水梯及溅水池等,这些设施深受青少年欢迎。
- To strengthen communication between the Provisional Regional Council and the public, three councillors met the public, by appointment, once a week on a duty roster to hear views and deal with complaints. 临时区域市政局为加强与市民沟通,每星期安排三名议员轮流当值,会见经预约的市民,听取他们的意见,并处理投诉。
- The Provisional Regional Council also provides facilities such as water slides and splash pools,which are very popular with youngsters,at its HinTin,Sheung Shui,Tai Po,Tsuen Wan,Tuen Mun,Tin Shui Wai,Ma On Shan and Tsing Yi swimming pools. 临时区域市政局也在显田、上水、大埔、荃湾、屯门、天水围、马鞍山及青衣的公众游泳池提供嬉水设施,例如滑水梯及溅水池等,这些设施深受青少年欢迎。
- Both events were organised by the HKTA and the Provisional Regional Council,in conjunction with the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association and the Hong Kong Sports Development Board (HKSDB). 上述两项活动都是由旅游协会及临时区域市政局联同香港龙舟总会及香港康体发展局合办。
- To promote recreational and sports activities,the Provisional Regional Council organised a total of 7 861 training courses,competitions and recreational programmes for 530735 people of all ages and abilities in 1997. 为推广康体活动,临时区域市政局在一九九七年为辖区内530735名不同年龄及体能的人士举办共7861项训练课程、比赛和康乐活动。