- Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的感情。
- Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. 人是全人类的缩影。
- Christ's atonement is for the sins of mankind. 耶稣的赎罪是为了人类的罪恶。
- She felt most severely the miseries of mankind. 她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。
- I want to work for the good of mankind. 我要为全人类的利益而工作。
- British Columbia is a province of Canada. 不列颠哥伦比亚是加拿大的一个省。
- The office, rank, or province of primate. 首席主教(或都主教,大主教)的职责,阶层或教区
- Doesn't her question fall outside the province of science? 她的问题不是超越了科学的范围吗?
- The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类经数千年才文明开化。
- Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism. 硬把人类分成工人阶级和资本阶级就犯了过分简单化的错误。
- They dug into the history of mankind. 他们苦心钻研人类的历史。
- It is the people who decide the fate of mankind. 决定人类命运的是人民。
- We labour for the happiness of mankind. 我们为人类的幸福而努力。
- BADAAM lives in the Indian province of Rajasthan. 巴达姆生活在印度拉贾斯坦邦。
- The mountains is the stupidity of mankind. 这座山就是人类的愚昧。
- This region is within the Province of Liaoning. 这一带属辽宁地面。
- Speech is the distinctive attribute of mankind. 语言是人类的特征。
- Satan is the great tempter of mankind. 撒旦是人类最大的诱惑者。
- Ottawa, in the province of Ontario. 渥太华,位於安大略省。
- Music is the universal language of mankind. 音乐是全人类的共通语言。