- Protium serratumn. 马蹄果
- The new study can find confirmed a link, but did not find evidence that the C-reactive protium protein causes the disease. 这两项研究均发表在六月份第一期的美国医学会杂志上。
- A seperates separate study found no support for a series theory that a biomarker called C-reactive protium protein causes heart disease. 早前的研究表明人的血液中蛋白含量越高,其发展成心脏病的可能性越高。
- The patterns of epidermal hairs and stomata apparatus in C. serratum were peculiar indicating that the species had a specific status in the Clerodendrum taxonomy. 三对节表皮毛和气孔器类型的独特性表明该种植物在赪桐属的地位具有特殊性;
- Lycopodium serratum Thunb. 蛇足石松
- Clerodendrum serratum ( L. ) Moon 三台红花
- Clerodendron serratum Spreng var.amplexifolium Moldenke 三台花
- Clerodendron serratum(L.)Spreng var.amplexifolium Moldenke 三台花
- protiumn. 氕
- Protium yunnanensen. 滇马蹄果
- Plagiopetalum serratumn. 光叶偏瓣花
- var. serratumn. 锯齿蚊母树
- Clerodendrum Serratumn. 三对节
- Cyrtomium serratumn. 尖齿贯众
- Arisaema serratum [医] 攀倒甑(斑杖)
- Anteon serratumn. 齿单爪螯蜂
- Clerodendron serratum Spreng 三对节
- Clerodendron serratum(L.)Spreng 三对节
- Epomidiostomum serratumn. 锯齿瓣口线虫