- Protection water mining 保水开采
- And after him to protect water resources. 而且让他以后要保护水资源。
- What methods do you think we should take to protect water? 你认为我们应该采取什么办法来保护水资源呢?
- In order to protect water resources and mine environments, we have to take efficient methods to make mine water purified and recycled. 为了保护水资源和矿区环境,必须采取有效的技术措施,使矿山废水净化、复用,以保护短缺的水资源。
- Wang Kaibo is one student who is already aware of the need to protect water. 一位来自北医附中的学生,王凯博(音译),已经意识到了保护水资源的重要性。
- Sprinkler systems or fire protection water should be used only to cool cylinders, not to extinguish the fire. 喷淋系统或消防用水只能用来冷却钢瓶,不能用来灭火。
- So, developing a series of commode test equipments to protect water resource becomes an important research fields. 因此,开发一系列新的检测系统正成为节约和保护水资源的重大关键课题。
- Fat can protect water from vaporizing easily, and protein offers a complete construction for this. 脂肪可以保护水分不易被蒸发。蛋白质结构提供一个完整构造。
- The Tianjin Commission of Communist Youth League of China will hold a ceremony to call millions of young people in the city to save and protect water resources. 天津团市委即将举行仪式,号召全城上百万青年人节约、保护水资源。
- Faced with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai will take effective measures to save water and protect water resources. 面临水资源短缺的威胁,北京和上海将采取有效措施来节水和保护水资源。
- Place the pump above water level to protect water from flowing backwards, otherwise it should be fit with a non-return valve. 使用过程中,该机应高于水位,或加止流阀,以防水倒流。
- To evaluate underground water quality and analyze water quality change trend offered dependable basis for underground water utilization and protection water resources in the area. 评价了地下水水质功能,并分析了水质变化趋势,为该地区开发利用地下水,保护水资源提供了可靠依据。
- The State Council called for redoubled efforts to protect water sources and renovate outdated water facilities in the cities. 国家委员会呼吁要加倍努力来保护水资源和更新过旧的水利设备。
- Still, as markets are erected to protect water supplies, conserve habitats and manage fisheries, each takes a step up the learning curve. 然而,市场既然是为维护水源、保存栖息地与管理渔场而创,便各依其学习曲线循序渐进。
- Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures 浅水反雷措施
- The first priority is to provide a sufficient quantity of water, even if its safety cannot be guaranteed, and to protect water sources from contamination. 首要重点是即使其安全性不能得到保证,也要提供充足数量的水,并保护水源避免污染。
- Based on the above pattern, it designs and develops the Three Gorge Water Environment Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), giving a new scheme to protect water environment. 基于上述模式进行了三峡水环境空间决策支持系统的设计和开发,为SDSS应用于水环境保护提供一个新的解决方案。
- On the other hand, in order to protect water environment, maintain flood prevention safty ond navigation, we should take actions to sand excavation control. 根据维持河床冲淤平衡、河道整治和经济建设的要求,需要合理利用砂石资源。
- To protect water hammer,the technologies of enlarging slow-closing time,prolongating closing distance of run and pressure relieving are adopted in this device. 为防止水击采用减缓关闭时间,拉长关闭行程和向外泄压等措施。
- It is necessary to expand the dissemination of protecting water resources,recoverying water and saving water. 为此,告诫人们要保护水资源,加强水的回收利用,节约用水,缺水并非是危言耸听的宣传。