- Development----Foundation for Developing and Protecting Human Rights. 发展是促进和保护人权的基础
- This is a historical achievement made by the Chinese people and government in seeking and protecting human rights. 这是中国人民和中国政府在争取和维护人权方面取得的历史性的成就。
- The UN has also developed effective mechanisms to protect human rights,benefiting people all over the world. 联合国还建立了有效的保护人权机制,造福全世界人民。
- And only we know best how we can best preserve and protect human rights in China. 而且只有我们才知道在中国如何才能够实现保障人权。
- The court should establish the judicial relievable channel to protect human rights of the peasant worker stratum. 在司法层面上,应建立针对性的司法保护渠道,给农民工阶层的权利保护以及时的救济;
- Therefore,a proper handling of the relationship between rights and obligations can help promote and protect human rights. 妥善处理好权利和义务之间的关系,有益于促进和保护人权。
- Police trap is one of the effectual means of collecting the evidence and tracking down the crime, while it confronts the dilemma of punishing the crime or protecting human rights. 摘要诱惑侦查是侦破犯罪、收集证据的行之有效的手段,但却面临着保障人权和打击犯罪的两难选择。
- The Principle “nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege” is one of the basic principles to protect human rights in Criminal Code. 罪刑法定原则在刑法典中不只是一项保护人权的基本原则,从立法的角度看,更应该将它视为刑事立法上的一项重要原则。
- In the last 20 years nearly one third of UN Members have adopted new Constitutions, many of which explicitly protect human rights. 最近20年来,三分之一的联合国成员国已经通过了新宪法,其中许多是明确保护人权的。
- Encouraged investigation, as a special measure in criminal proceedings, reflects the violent conflict between interests of controlling crimes and that of protecting human rights. 摘要诱惑侦查作为刑事的诉讼中的一种特殊侦查手段,集中反映了犯罪控制和人权保障两种利益的冲突。
- Government forcing to wear it this time. why they didn't protect human right themself? 奇怪!政府要求人民继续穿豹皮虎衣!
- He said ASEAN's statement on Burma was weak, especially since it recently signed a charter that calls on member states to protect human rights in the region. 他说,东盟针对缅甸发表的声明是软弱无力的,考虑到东盟最近刚刚签署了敦促成员国保护本地区人权的宪章,尤其是这样。
- The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the positive role of international conventions on human rights in promoting and protecting human rights,and has approved or acceded to 18 such conventions. 中国政府历来重视国际人权公约在促进和保护人权方面的积极作用,现已批准或加入了18个国际人权公约。
- The amendment and enforcement of the Criminal Law have provided a more powerful legal weapon for punishing crimes,safeguarding national security,and protecting human rights of the people. 《刑法》的修订和实施,为惩治犯罪,维护国家安全和人民的人权提供了更加有力的法律武器。
- China attaches importance to the role of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in promoting and protecting human rights,and has actively cooperated with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 中国重视联合国人权事务高级专员在促进和保护人权方面的作用,并积极与人权高专办公室开展合作。
- China attaches importance to the role of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in promoting and protecting human rights, and has actively cooperated with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 中国重视联合国人权事务高级专员在促进和保护人权方面的作用,并积极与人权高专办公室开展合作。
- The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the positive role of international conventions on human rights in promoting and protecting human rights, and has approved or acceded to 18 such conventions. 中国政府历来重视国际人权公约在促进和保护人权方面的积极作用,现已批准或加入了18个国际人权公约。
- Tian Wenchang, director of the ACLA criminal defense committee, said the artical reflected the biggest problem in the amendment: the conflict between cracking down on crime and protecting human rights. 全国律师协会刑事辩护委员会主任田文昌认为,这篇文章反映了修正案的最大的问题:打击犯罪和保护人权的冲突。
- This violated the principle of the rule by law, Endowing civil servant with administrative action right is the demand of protecting human rights and managing state affairs legally. 这违背了法治的理念和原则。所以赋予公务员以行政诉权是人权保障的需要,也是依法治国的必然要求。
- Tian Wenchang, director of the ACLA criminal defense committee,said the artical reflected the biggest problem in the amendment:the conflict between cracking down on crime and protecting human rights. (全国律师协会刑事辩护委员会主任田文昌认为,这篇文章反映了修正案的最大的问题:打击犯罪和保护人权的冲突。)