- Prongill Mayflies 叉鳃蜉蝣(蜉蝣目,细裳蜉科)
- I have always thought of them as ephemera, like mayflies. 我一直认为他们犹如蜉蝣一般,生活及其短暂。
- Mayflies, after hatching and then spending one to three years developing as naiads, live only one day as adults. 蜉蝣孵化出来后有1---3年作为稚虫生长,作为成虫只活一天。
- Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger; and mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree. 蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易
- The life cycle of mayflies consists of four stages: egg, nymph, subimago, and imago. 蜉蝣的生命周期由四个阶段组成:卵,蛹,亚成虫,成虫。
- Mayflies in streams where trout were released now forage at night to avoid the fast-swimming predators. 在鳟鱼野放后,溪流中的蜉蝣改在夜间觅食,以避开游动迅速的掠食者;
- Instead of pesticides our farmers use bugs such as ladybugs, mantises, mayflies and green lacewings to kill pests, preventing crops from becoming polluted. 以益虫如瓢虫、螳螂、蜉蝣、草蛉等代替杀虫剂来消灭有害昆虫,藉此减少对农作物的污染。
- The bracing and fusing pattern of longitudinal veins at base in living mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) 现存蜉蝣翅基纵脉走向及愈合模式(昆虫纲:蜉蝣目)
- Crawling Mayflies 爬行蜉蝣(蜉蝣目,小蜉科)
- fossil mayflies 蜉蝣昆虫化石
- Small Mayflies 小型蜉蝣(蜉蝣目,四节蜉科)
- Stream Mayflies 溪流蜉蝣(蜉蝣目,扁蜉科)