- Office Assistant-Director of the Science Association. 科协办公室副主任。
- The hubs would go a long way in promoting science and technology as tools for development. 这些中心可大大有助于科学和技术成为促进发展的工具。
- The Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting marine science and coordinating discussion and debate of marine issues in Australia. 澳大利亚海洋科学协会(AMSA)是一个致力于促进澳大利亚国内海洋科学及相关研究的国家级非赢利性组织。
- It is essential to create an atmosphere in society at large favorable for respecting and promoting science,encouraging innovation and opposing superstition and pseudo-science. 在全社会形成崇尚科学、鼓励创新、反对迷信和伪科学的良好氛围。
- It is essential to create an atmosphere in society at large favorable for respecting and promoting science, encouraging innovation and opposing superstition and pseudo-science. 在全社会形成崇尚科学、鼓励创新、反对迷信和伪科学的良好氛围。
- The scientific community needs to be involved in promoting science education, including evolution.Socious So says the January issue of the FASEB Journal. FASEB杂志1月刊中提到,科学团体需致力于于促进科学教育包括其发展。
- We must promote science,for that is where our hope lies. 要提倡科学,这样才有希望。
- We must promote science, that is where our hope lies. 当年在广州闹革命的时候,我们还年轻气盛。
- We must promote science, for that is where our hope lies. 要提倡科学,靠科学才有希望。
- Coffey:Producer Services and Regional Development: A Policy-oriented Perspective[J].Papers of the Regional Science Association,1989(6). 王贵全:论生产性服务对贸易格局的影响[J].;亚太经济,2002(2)
- All trades and professions should promote science, technology and education. 科技和教育,各行各业都要抓。
- "China's entering into the scientific experiment of space flight is entirely for peaceful purposes and is a contribution towards the human race's works in promoting science and peace," he said. “中国进行太空飞行科学实验是以和平为目的并且所作的贡献是为人类发展促进科学与和平,”他说。
- All trades and professions should promote science,technology and education. 科技和教育,各行各业都要抓。
- Promoting science education as student centred, hands-on, inquiry led investigations through which problem solving and decision-making are important elements of education for lifelong learning. 推动以学生为主体亲历探究的研究性学习活动,使科学教育能促进作为终身教育要素的问题解决和决策能力的培养;
- The leading modern philosophers, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, concerned themselves neither with defending religion nor with promoting science, but rather with exploring the unconscious and understanding human nature. 现代哲学的领衔哲学家叔本华和尼采既不为宗教辩护,也不为科学鸣志,他们更感兴趣的是对无意识的探究和对人类本性的理解。
- East a mountainous area the organic tie that promoting science and technology and economy, support science and technology revitalized respect of region market economy to do a large number of works. 东山区在促进科技与经济的有机结合,依靠科技振兴区街经济方面做了大量工作。一批老企业的技术设备得到更新改造;
- IDG was recently honored in late November by Shanghai Management Science Association Outsourcing Management Professional Committee by being awarded the Excellent Outsourcing Service Provider of the Year. 在由上海市管理科学学会-外包管理专业委员会主办的第三届制造型企业服务外包国际论坛上;荣获优秀外包服务供应商奖.
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The Legislative Studies Section of the American Political Science Association has its own home page, including the electronic version of its newsletter and other legislative links. 美国政治科学学会的立法研究部门有自己的网页,包含电子报以及其他立法的相关连结。