- Conclusion Proliferative hemangiomas should be cured by different methods according t. 目的观察不同情况下增殖性血管瘤不同方法的治疗效果。
- The positive rate of c-myc in proliferative hemangiomas was 81%,that in involuting hemangiomas was 100%,and that in vascular malformations was 25%. C-myc在内皮细胞胞浆和胞核中均有表达,在增生期血管瘤组织中的阳性表达率为81%25,在消退期血管瘤组织中的表达率为100%25,而在血管畸形组织中阳性表达率为25%25,三组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.;05)。
- Results: The positive rate of VEGF in proliferative hemangiomas was 100%,that in involuting hemangiomas was 69%,and that in vascular malformations was only 6%. 结果 VEGF表达于内皮细胞胞浆内,在增生期血管瘤组织中,其阳性表达率为100%25,消退期组织中阳性表达率为69%25,血管畸形组织中阳性表达率仅为6%25,三者之间存在显著性差异(p<0.;05)。
- Proliferative Hemangioma 增生期血管瘤
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- FGF play an important role in the proliferative and involutional procession of hemangioma. FGF与血管瘤的增生退化过程有密切关系。
- Can be benign hemangioma changed into malign? 良性的血管瘤会不会转化成恶性的?
- Can hemangioma cause person death? 血管瘤会不会导致人死亡?
- Is hemangioma treated very hard? 血管瘤是不是很难治?
- Does hypodermic hemangioma belong to major disease? 皮下血管瘤是不是属重大疾病?
- Is the meeting after hemangioma operation genetic? 血管瘤手术后会遗传吗?
- How ability hemangioma take out? 怎样才能把血管瘤去掉?
- Mesengial proliferative glomerulonephritis. 肾炎,系膜增生性
- Hemangioma jumps over congress to have risk as age. 血管瘤随着年纪越大会有危险嘛.
- How should long hemangioma do on kidney? 肾上长血管瘤该怎么办?
- Can benign hemangioma grow as age and worsen? 良性血管瘤会随着年纪增长而恶化嘛?
- Hemangioma is what disease, is firm serious? 血管瘤是什么病,狠严重么?
- How much do you understand to hemangioma? 你对血管瘤了解多少?
- Can hemangioma become an operation? 血管瘤能做手术的么?
- Kidney artery hemangioma how cure? 肾动脉血管瘤怎么医治?