- I'm the creator of and project lead for CPMA, and the project lead for Q4MAX. 我是CPMA的创始人和开发组长,同时也是Q4MAX的开发组长。
- To correct this, rebuild the modified project to make sure that it passes the code analysis policy set by the project lead. 若要更正该问题,请重新生成修改后的项目,以确保通过由项目负责人设置的代码分析策略。
- Lifestyle Intervention Development Study to Improve Physical Function in Older Adults With Cancer: Outcomes From Project LEAD. 生活方式干预可以改善癌症患者的生理功能。
- Also known as a project manager or a project lead, this role can maintain a team project work item database and project portal. 也称为项目经理或项目主管,该角色可以维护团队项目工作项数据库和项目门户。
- Just be sure your short term projects lead to longer term goals. 确保短期计划服从于长远目标。
- I recently spoke to LucasArts Project Lead Hayden Blackman about Force Unleashed, George Lucas and the stresses of creating a new Star Wars game. 如果说成功确实有什么偶然性的话,这种偶然的机会也只会垂青那些有准备的人。
- Position: Software Engineer Reporting Manager: ODC Project Lead Roles and Responsibilities: ? Works independently and provides guidance... 海辉软件(国际)集团公司-工作地点:广东-深圳
- This text is displayed on the Select a Process Template screen in the New Team Project Wizard when a project lead or administrator is deciding which process template to use. 当项目主管或管理员确定要使用的过程模板时,此文本显示在“新建团队项目向导”的“选择过程模板”屏幕上。
- Projects lead us to a career that is in harmony with our natural talent. 项目生涯就是带领我们与自然和谐相处的人才。
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- The new project is still in embryo. 新的项目尚在考虑中。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- For example, if a process template does not include the Windows SharePoint Services plug-in, there is no screen presented to ask the project lead for information about the project portal. 例如,如果过程模板不包含Windows SharePoint Services插件,则不会显示要求项目主管提供有关项目门户的信息的屏幕。
- I will join in the project, heart and hand. 我会满腔热情地参加这项工程。
- A number of cables are needed in this project. 这项工程需要大量电缆。
- The further development of the project led by the ETH Zurich, on high speed texturing is introduced. 本文介绍了由瑞士苏黎士工学院牵头研制的高速变形工艺。
- The project is in hand and will be completed soon. 工程正在进行中,不久就会完工。
- When asked how many drugs would be tagged, Mark Pilkington, special projects lead at Mallinckrodt, said, “Less than all, more than one. 当问及有多少毒品将标记,马克皮尔金顿,特殊项目领先马林克罗特说: “不到的是,不止一个。
- During the CMO, I have got the more experience of product development, project leading, coordination and cooperation. 在CMO期间,我有更精进的产品开发、专案领导、协调与合作的经验。
- She spoke in support of the project. 她发言支持这项计划。