- Prohemistomum vivax 维瓦斯原半口吸虫
- The schizonts and gametocytes were somewhat alike to Plasmodium vivax. 裂殖体和配子体与间日疟原虫相似。
- There are four types of malaria, but vivax and falciparum are the most common. 疟疾分为四种,其中最为常见的是间日疟和恶性疟。
- RESULTS P. vivax in the initial parasitaemia did not infect the mosquito. 结果 虫现期原虫不能使按蚊获得感染。
- No cross-reaction between Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. 55%25和100%25,整个试验约需5分钟,与间日疟无交叉反应。
- Objective To identify the Plasmodium vivax using digital image processing techniques. 目的应用数字图像技术识别间日疟原虫。
- The variant form of DARC stops the growth of Plasmodium vivax one of the four parasites that can cause malaria. DARC的变异形式阻止了间日疟原虫的生长,这是四种引起疟疾的寄生虫的一种。
- Vivax is generally not a life-threatening disease, but falciparum can be rapidly fatal and requires prompt treatment. 间日疟一般不致命,但恶性疟可以在短时间内发作并致命,因此需要得到迅速的治疗。
- ABSTEACT.AIM To study the infectivity of different densities of P. vivax to An. sinensis. 摘要: 目的 观察不同密度间日疟原虫对中华按蚊的感染性。
- This peripheral blood smear comes from a patient with malaria.This infection happens to be with Plasmodium vivax. 疟疾病人外周血涂片,此为间日疟原虫感染。
- CONCLISION The P. vivax in the period of clinical attack was one of the most dangerous period of the spread of malaria. 结论 间日疟临床发作期是传播疟疾最危险的时期,复发病例是疟疾扩散过程中危险性较大的传染源;
- Objective To explore the effect of some risk factors on the residual vivax malaria distribution at eradication stage in Pizhou. 摘要目的探讨影响邳州市灭疟后期疟疾残存病例分布的危险因素。
- Objective To investigate the population constitution and geographical distribution of Plasmodium vivax in China using molecular technique. 目的 用分子技术调查中国间日疟原虫种群结构与地理分布。
- We report a Taiwanese man with no history of travel outside Taiwan who was coinfected with of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. 一位未曾出国旅行的原住民被诊断为合并感染恶性疟原虫与间日疟原虫。
- Conclusion Using the method of edge and gray scale detection, the Plasmodium vivax schizont can be detected and identified. 结论初步探索采用边缘和图像灰度联合检测的方法能够识别间日疟原虫薄血膜的裂殖体。
- According to known SSUrUNA sequences ot Plasmodium vivax , correlated protozoa and human being, sequences of oligonucleotide primers were defined with computer programming. 根据已知间日疟原虫、其它相关原虫及人小亚单位核糖体核糖核酸(SSUrRNA)基因序列,借助计算机程序分析,设计一对寡聚核苷酸引物。
- Methods We processed the image of thin smear film of the Plasmodium vivax schizont through several steps including image preprocessing,image segmentation and feature extraction. 方法基于图像预处理、图像分割、特征提取、判决分类等步骤,分别对间日疟原虫薄血膜的裂殖体图像进行处理,观察其识别效率和准确度。
- Objective To establish a sensitive, simple to use and low noise nested/multiplex PCR for simultaneously detection of Plasmodium falciparum (P.f) and Plasmodium vivax (P.v). 目的 建立简便、灵敏、低本底、可同时检测恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫的套式/多重聚合酶链反应(PCR)系统。
- Objective To explore circumsporozoite protein (CSP) genotype structure of Plasmodium vivax in southern China and evaluate its epidemiological significance. 目的 探讨我国南方间日疟原虫环子孢子蛋白(CSP)基因型种群结构、疟区分类及其防治意义。
- AIM : To identify circumsporozoite protein (CSP) genes of Plasmodium vivax in Hubei endemic areas and explore the biological features of CSP polymorphism. 目的 : 为了确定湖北省间日疟原虫虫株环子孢子蛋白(CSP) 的分型和探讨CSP 多态性的生物学特征。