- Procurement Legal Division 采购法律处
- Liaison between customer and legal division for follow-up. 在客户与法务部门之间提供一个很好的沟通与跟进。
- McKinstry held product management positions with CCH INCORPORATED, now part of the Wolters Kluwer Tax, Accounting &Legal division. 在她的任期内, CCH成为电子出版产品的领先供应商。
- Two essential attributions of the procuratorial legal supervision are procedural and authoritative. 检察机关法律监督与其它法律监督相区别的两个本质特征是程序性和权威性;
- Abstract: Legal supervision shall have broad and narrow sense, and the procuratorial legal supervision should not be generally intituled or regarded as legal supervision. 文章摘要: 应将法律监督作广义和狭义的划分,不宜将检察机关的法律监督笼统地称为法律监督,甚至简单等同起来;
- The legal divisions shall be mainly responsible for reviewing the legality of the asset disposal. 法律部门主要负责资产处置合规、合法性审核。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- The Legal System of Governmental Procurement. 法律援助制度。
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- The Bill was read without a division. 该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。
- The division moved forward and broke new ground. 师团向前挺进,挖掘新的战壕。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。
- Will Spurs be relegated to the third division? 斯珀尔斯队会降为丙级队吗?
- An administrative division of Turkey. 土耳其的省土耳其的一个行政区划
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
- The boy has learnt to do division. 这个小男孩已学会做除法。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司负担双方当事人的法律费用。
- He is consulting the company's legal adviser. 他正在与公司的法律顾问进行商量。