- Procurement Information Office 采购信息处
- He ask the information office for details of company exhibit at the motor show. 他向信息询问了有关汽车博览会方面各公司参展的详情。
- The information office opens at 9 a.m . 问讯处早上9点开门办公。
- Excuse me, but where is the information office? 劳驾,请问服务台在哪儿?
- Global Change Research Information Office. 提供有关全球变化研究的权威资料。
- How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局?
- Where is the tourist information office? 在哪里有旅游信息中心?
- The information office open at 9 a.m. 问讯处早上9点开门办公。
- For enquiries, please we often issued by the procurement information, or send us an email! 请经常查询我们所发的采购信息,或给我们发送电子邮件!
- The Organizational Committee will provide the special products exhibition area for you to show your products and issue Procurement information. 组委会免费为贵公司提供产品展示专区,通过产品逆向展示形式,为贵公司展示采购商品、发布采购信息、集中定向采购洽谈提供便利。
- The information office is located in the city centre. 咨询处设在市中心.
- Except the Ministry of Finance and the province-level finance departments, no other entity or individual may designate government procurement information release media. 除财政部和省级财政部门以外,其他任何单位和个人不得指定政府采购信息的发布媒体。
- Could you tell me how to get to the tourist information office? 您能告诉我,怎样找到旅行咨询办公室吗?
- The information office has printed plenty of booklets. 新闻办公室印了很多小册子。
- The information office is located in the city center. 问讯处位于市中心。
- From the angle of SCM,the paper clarifies the importance of procurement management in modern enterprise management and introduces the architecture,function,development mode and features of a material procurement information system based on Web. 从供应链的角度,阐述采购管理在现代企业管理中的重要作用,并且介绍了基于网络的物资采购系统的系统构架、系统功能、开发模式以及系统特点。 该系统实现了物资采购活动的信息化过程控制,加强了供应链上各企业间的信息传递,为企业物资管理系统的开发提供了可借鉴的经验。
- Please contact the Access to Information Officer. 请联络公开资料主任。
- The local government procurement information may be simultaneously announced through the government information release media as designated by the province-level finance departments. 地方的政府采购信息可以同时在其省级财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上公告。
- This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance. 这个问讯处为顾客提供大量关于货物投保方面的信息。
- We are looking for experienced personnel for our tourist information office. 我们正在为我们的旅游问询处寻求有经验的人员。