- Through material balancing on adsorption and transformation process and analyzing the influence of desorbed gas in VCM synthesis process on transformation, some measures on tail gas recovery improvement were put forward. 经过对吸附、转化工序进行物料衡算,分析解吸气进入氯乙烯合成工序对转化反应的影响,提出了改进尾气回收流程的方法。
- People are fully aware that image processing and recognition technologies are important means in understanding and transforming our world. 人们已经充分认识到图像处理和识别技术是认识世界、改造世界的重要手段。
- The processing and assemble business is a component part of our foreign trade. 加工和装配贸易是我国对外贸易的一个组成部分。
- The study of the flow and transformation of energy. 力能学研究能量的流动及转变的学科
- It is a natural process and one I warmly welcome. 这是一个自然的进程,也是我所乐见的。
- Describes how keyboard messages are processed and transformed into keyboard events. 描述键盘消息如何处理和转换为键盘事件。
- Quantitative data processing and analysis? 定量数据处理和分析?
- Lu:su windows processing and sales. 铝塑门窗加工销售。
- Energetics:The study of the flow and transformation of energy. 力能学:研究能量的流动及转变的学科.
- Sewage agents, paper processing and sales aids. 污水处理剂、造纸助剂加工销售。
- The flow and transformation of energy within a particular system. 能量学一个特定体系的能量流动和转换。
- Meilu: cleansing mud processing and sales. 镁铝硅胶泥加工销售。
- PVC tube processing and marketing. 聚氯乙烯增强软管加工销售。
- Information processing and access of ATIS. ATIS的信息处理与访问。
- With a gentle twist, a button can define, unite, and transform. 只要温柔地搓一搓,一个钮扣就能自我定义,团结一体,或者改头换面。
- Hardware gear, plastics, processing and marketing. 五金齿轮,塑料制品,加工,产销。
- The Warehouse steps define how you move and transform data. 仓库步骤定义如何移动和转换数据。
- Spent oil deposition processing and marketing. 废机油沉淀加工、销售。
- Good command of data processing and reporting. 良好的整理数据和报告能力;
- Learn accounting processing and programing etc. 学习会计流程、项目等方面工作。