- Each directory can independently process message files at the rate specified by the PickupDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute parameter. 每个目录都可以按照PickupDirectoryMaxMessagesPerMinute参数指定的处理率独立处理邮件文件。
- Processed Message File 处理过的电报档案
- Primary dir change message file. 当用户改变所访问的目录时显示的信息。
- Process message related to the progress of recording. 在录音过程中产生的相关消息。
- Processing message on call handling thread. 正在处理呼叫处理线程上的消息。
- Which of the following file formats will create the smallest e-mail message file? 下列哪种文件格式将创建最小的电子邮件文件?
- You can browse the document library to save the message file to the folder you want to store your message file. 可以浏览该文档库来将邮件保存到需要存储邮件的文件夹。
- An error occurred while querying the POP3 mail server for the last processed message. 在POP3邮件服务器中查询最近处理的消息时发生了一个错误。
- The message file must be a text file that complies with the basic SMTP message format. 邮件文件必须是符合基本SMTP邮件格式的文本文件。
- Or, you can just build a big project out of several apps and put all translations into one big project message file. 翻译:或者,你可以创建一个包含几个应用程序的大项目,并将所有需要的翻译放在一个大的项目信息文件中。
- Email address returned with the %E cookie in message files. 在消息文件中用%25E表示的邮件地址。
- The event identifier specifies the message that goes with this event as an entry in the message file associated with the event source. 该事件标识符指定与此事件同行的消息,此消息作为与此事件源相关的消息文件里一个项目。
- A message file that you copy to the Pickup directory or the Replay directory is renamed with a.TMP file name extension during message file processing. 邮件文件处理期间;会使用.;TMP文件扩展名重命名复制到分拣目录或重播目录的邮件文件。
- Specifies that the rule will automatically process message data from only those resources listed below. Select a resource in the Available Resources list, and then click Add. 指定只自动根据规则处理来自下面所列资源的消息中的数据。请从“可供选择的资源”列表中选择所需资源,然后单击“添加”按钮。
- No default profile set. Please use the Profile Wizard to set a default profile before running the Message File Conversion Wizard. 未设置默认配置文件。请在运行邮件文件转换向导之前,使用配置文件向导设置默认配置文件。
- Take no action, except send the poison message file that caused the failure of the Microsoft Exchange Transport service to Microsoft Customer support for analysis. 除将导致Microsoft Exchange传输服务失败的病毒邮件文件发送到Microsoft客户支持以供分析外,无需执行任何操作。
- A window procedure processes messages to the window. 窗口过程处理发送到窗口的消息。
- If you are confident that specified message file had nothing to do with the failure of the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, you may resubmit the poison message file. 如果您确信指定的邮件文件与Microsoft Exchange传输服务失败无关,则可以重新提交病毒邮件文件。
- A JXTA peer needs to take care of a lot of tasks and process messages at the XML-over-socket level. JXTA对等点需要处理许多任务并在基于套接字的XML级上处理消息。
- The Pickup directory should be used to create and submit new message files. 应使用分拣目录创建并提交新邮件文件。