- Process character information 过程特征信息
- You can see three more categories of character information by clicking on that small arrow under the Skill tab. 你能通过点击角色信息里技能项下面的的其他箭头查看其他信息
- Mulit-lingual processing has become the new focus of Chinese Character Information Processing. 多文种处理已成为中文信息处理的新热.久。
- Combined with the engineering examples, the process character of coagulation contact flolact flocculation, contact- sedimentation and BAF were introduced in the paper. 摘要: 结合工程实例,介绍了翼片隔板絮凝、低脉动接触沉淀和BAF法工艺特点;
- Scott Stricklin: It is going to show character information, stats, and equipment. 英雄榜将会显示出角色的资讯,状态与装备。
- The production metod,technical character,application properties,process variable and process character of commun;caticn calleloating resin are described in this paper. 介绍了溶液法工艺生产中密度聚乙烯护套料的方法,技术性能,应用性能,工艺参数和加工性能。
- The strong security to all known cryptanalysis ensures the encryption of both letter information and non-letter chinese character information. 算法有较高的安全性,能够抵抗现有的密码分析方法,它既适合字母文字信息的加密,也适合非字母的中文信息对称加密。
- First capturing the images by CCD camera, after preprocessing and featrue extracting, the system recognizes the character information based on ANN. 首先通过CCD摄像头获取轮胎胎号图像,再对得到的图像进行预处理和特征提取,最后用人工神经网络的方法识别出图像中的字符信息。
- So it very much fits into the Dark Age of Camelot Herald style of surfacing, RvR information, character information, and leaderboards. 因此它非常适合theDarkAgeofCamelotHerald(英国亚瑟王时期的黑暗年代?)类型的外观,国度战资料,个性资料、和排行榜。
- Because of useing Unicode to store and process character string in VB5.0, there are some new problems in character string processing. 由于VB5.;0采用Unicode存储和操作字符串;在对字符串的操作时出现了一些新的问题
- "Ostensible falsification" played a kernel role in this principle with the combination of the process character in Lakatos"s falsification and negative character in Popper"s falsification. “表面证伪”继承了拉卡托斯“证伪”的过程性,又恢复了波普尔意义上“证伪”的否定性,在该原则中处于核心地位。
- The process character and working procedure of tractor fan drive cincture plate are analyzed, the die structure is designed, as well as the character and working procedure are stated. 分析了拖拉机风扇传动带盘的工艺特性和工序,设计了模具结构,论述了其特点和工作过程。
- The child is the character information item, meaning that the item contains alphanumerical characters. 子项是字符信息项,即包含字母数字字符的项。
- Firstly this paper shows invention of vibratory cutting. Than its principle and process characters ate analyzed. Finally vibratory cutting has good process effect. 摘要简要回顾了振动切削技术的创立,然后分析了其加工机理和工艺特点,从而说明振动切削技术作为一门精密加工技术具有普通切削所不可比拟的工艺效果。
- We analyze synthetically existing character information and mine primary date of oil character, combining oil monitoring technology, SPSS, clustering analysis with relational degree analysis. 关于油液中磨粒的特征挖掘一直是油液监控领域中的热点和难点研究问题之一。
- The primary function of cocatalyst is to improve on physico-chemical properties and processing character. 助剂的主要作用是改善上光油的理化性能及加工特性。
- Characters inform, argue, amuse, outrage, argue through the ebb and flow of dialogue. 人物的喜怒哀乐都要通过对话的变化来展现。
- These signs all belong to fundamental configuration in early phase characters system , unearth characters information pitifully like this up to now still rare. 这些符号都属于早期文字系统中的基本构形,可惜这样的出土文字信息迄今仍然稀少。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。