- Problems of Administrative Law 行政法问题
- But what are basic principles of administrative law and what does it contain on earth, are problems which are to debate endlessly all the time. 但究竟什么是行政法的基本原则及行政法的基本原则有哪些,却始终是个争论不休的难题。
- How to apply the basic principle of administrative law? 行政法基础理论与行政法基本原则具有内在的联系,行政法基础理论是行政法基本原则的理论根据。
- Liability of administrative contract is the substantial part of administrative contract system, and a quite important problem in administrative law. 行政契约责任是行政契约制度的重要组成部分,是行政法学中的一个十分重要的问题。
- Library Case Study of Administrative Law: Can Modem User Be More Frivolous? 图书馆行政法个案:魔电族真能魔高一丈吗?
- This problem is one of the elementary theoretical i ues in administrative juri rudence, which denotes the fundamental rules guiding the enactment and a lication of administrative law. 这一问题是行政法学的基本理论问题之一,是指导行政法制定和实施的基本准则。
- Then I would like to introduce the basic principles of administrative law. 下面我来谈谈行政法的基本原则。
- However, great difficulties have been encountered by this system in its operation. As a result, this system performs practically no function and creates many new problems in the practice of the rule of administrative law. 然而 ,该制度在操作过程中存在较大困难 ,导致该制度形同虚设 ,给行政法治实践制造了诸多新的问题。
- The moral problems of public servants concerns not only the legalization of operation of administrative power,but the administration by law. 公务员的道德问题不仅关系到行政权力运行的合法性,而且关系到依法行政的实现。
- It is necessary to combine the administrative law and the administration, we should value the problems of the administrative practice. 行政法有必要与行政学再度结合,更加重视行政实务上的问题。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- We need to increase oversight of administrative law enforcement to make it stricter, fairer and more courteous. 要加强行政执法监督,促进严格执法、公正执法和文明执法。
- These substantive problems of administrative regulation are important and interesting, but they are largely beyond the scope of this text. 上述行政管理的实质问题重要且有趣,但大部分超出了本书的范围。
- This problem is one of the elementary theoretical issues in administrative jurisprudence, which denotes the fundamental rules guiding the enactment and application of administrative law. 这一问题是行政法学的基本理论问题之一,是指导行政法制定和实施的基本准则。
- He often came up against the problem of money. 他那时常常碰到钱的问题。
- The essence of the right of claim in administrative law is the serious fault liability of administrative law. 摘要行政赔偿中的追偿权对被追偿者来说是一种重大过错行政责任。
- We are facing a problem of great complexity. 我们正面对着一个极复杂的问题。
- Administrative subject theory is one of the basic theories of the science of administrative law. 为构建整个行政法学理论体系起着提纲挈领的基础作用。
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
- Lawyer Wang is a Committeewoman of Administrative Law Committee directly under Fujian Lawyer Association. 曾执业于康达律师事务所西安分所,2000年加盟福建天泽广业律师事务所。