- Printing of log files canceled. 取消打印日志文件。
- Printing of log files complete. 完成日志文件的打印。
- As the number of transactions grows, a set of log files is created. 随着事务数的增加,将创建一组日志文件。
- Conceptually, the log file is a string of log records. 从概念上讲,日志文件是一系列日志记录。
- Indicates the number of log files replayed in the current batch. 指示当前批中重播的日志文件数。
- The first page of the Import log file wizard shows a list of log files. 向导的第一个页面显示了一列日志文件。
- Cancel printing of your pictures? 取消照片打印吗?
- A signature for log files is used only to make sure that we are replaying the "right" set of log files. 日志文件的签名只用于确保我们正在重播一组“正确的”日志文件。
- The sequence of log files listed in the Restore. Env file will be replayed first. 将首先重播Restore.;env文件中列出的日志文件序列。
- All existing log files could be deleted and the database could be restarted with a new or different set of log files. 所有现有日志文件都会被删除,且会使用一组新的或不同的日志文件重新启动数据库。
- You might want to search for recently created files, or grep through the last 3 days worth of log files. 也许您想搜索最近创建的文件,或者查找近三天内的日志文件中的字符串。
- The printing of the book is now in hand. 该书的印刷工作目前正在进行。
- The event indicates that the replication service could not successfully copy the specified number of log files from the failed active node. 该事件表示复制服务无法成功地从失败的主动节点复制指定数目的日志文件。
- Collecting a new set of log files helps eliminate old log messages, which in turn shortens the time needed to identify the root cause of log messages. 收集新的日志文件可以帮助消除旧的日志消息,从而加快识别日志消息的产生根源。
- Rather than write all log information to a single large file, Exchange uses a series of log files, each exactly five megabytes in size. 与将所有的日志信息写入单个大型文件不同,Exchange使用一系列日志文件,每个日志文件的大小正好为5 MB。
- The maximum number of log files per idle storage group for each Mailbox server configuration is listed in the following table. 下表列出了每个邮箱服务器配置的每空闲存储组日志文件的最大数。
- The maximum number of log files that will be generated each day for an idle storage group depends on the configuration of the Mailbox server. 每天为空闲存储组生成的日志文件的最大数取决于邮箱服务器的配置。
- Full path and name of log file for error, warning, and informational messages. The location, if not absolute, is relative to the 'current directory'. log用于记录错误,警告,信息的日志文件的完整路径和名字。该路径不是绝对路径,则相对于当前路径。
- The print of footsteps in the sand. 沙地上的脚印
- There are a lot of log files in the website service system of digital library, which can be used to mine informations on resources usage and user interest. 数字图书馆网站服务系统中存有大量有关用户访问信息的日志文件,通过对这些日志文件的挖掘可以得到有关数字图书馆资源利用情况和用户兴趣的信息。