- Principal User Processing 主要用户处理
- Returns the session ID of the current user process. 返回当前用户进程的会话ID。
- Server process ID (SPID) of the current user process. 当前用户进程的服务器进程ID(SPID)。
- Some ICMP packet error message put back to the user process. 一些ICMP报文把差错报文返回给用户进程。
- The mechanized handler's designer, BAE Automated Systems, was liquidated, and United Airlines, its principal user, slipped into bankruptcy, in part because of the mess. 设计这套自动化处理系统的BAE自动系统公司,现已歇业;而该公司的主要客户,联合航空公司,也已经宣告破产,部份原因就出在这个烂摊子。
- SPID can be used to identify the current user process in the output of sp_who. SPID可以在sp_who输出结果中标识当前用户进程。
- SPID can be used to identify the current user process in the output of. 输出结果中标识当前用户进程。
- Breakpoint processing | restore function or entered into the breakpoint. 16 MB user processing space. 加工断点保护|恢复功能或直接输入断点。16MB用户加工程序空间。
- Permission which the user process must possess for the object in order to carry out an operation on the object(i.e. to retrieve a file). 系统为执行一种对象操作(如检索一个文件)时,用户进程必须具有完成该作业的许可。
- A time-out can still occur after the first row is returned, and does not include user processing time, only network read time. 在返回第一行之后,超时仍然可能发生,但只包括网络读取时间,而不包括用户处理时间。
- This example returns the session ID, login name, and user name for the current user process. 下面的示例返回当前用户进程的会话ID、登录名和用户名。
- Terminates a user process that is based on the session ID (SPID in SQL Server 2000 and earlier) or unit of work (UOW). 终止基于会话ID(SQL Server 2000或更早版本中的SPID)或工作单元(UOW)的用户进程。
- A user process cannot directly address memory areas in the address space of another process. 一个用户进程不可以直接访问另外一个用户进程的地址空间。
- Permission which the user process must possess for the object in order to carry out an operation on the object ( i. e. to retrieve a file ). 系统为执行一种对象操作(如检索一个文件)时,用户进程必须具有完成该作业的许可。
- Then user process could read the memory parameter from proc, and use mmap function to map this memory to its virtual address space. 请教诸位高手,小弟想实现内核空间和用户空间的公享内存,该怎么做?请教诸位高手,小弟想实现内核空间和用户空间的公享内存来避免内核和用户空间的拷贝,请问该如何实现?
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- The principal shareholder ask for a meeting. 主要股东们要求召开会议。
- In addition, 64 serial number by factory photoetching, leave out costly user process designing, can prevent serial number to be distorted. 此外,64位序列号由工厂光刻,省去了低廉的用户编程,并可预防序列号被窜改。
- The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。