- Primary endometrium cancer 原发性子宫内膜癌
- If in the leucorrhea mixes has the bloodstain, generally for specific weight womb erosion, endometrium cancer and so on. 如白带中混有血迹,一般为重度子宫糜烂、子宫内膜癌等。
- Methods The expression of aromatase cytochrome P450 in normal endometrium,endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer were detected by immunohistochemical analysis. 方法应用免疫组织化学方法检测正常子宫内膜、子宫内膜增生症及子宫内膜癌中细胞色素芳香化酶P450的表达。
- Results:The endometrium type in women with postmenopausal bleeding i s diversified.The rate of endometrial cancer and precancer (i.e.atypical hyperpl asia and complex hyperplasia) is 16.82 percent. 结果:绝经后子宫出血的子宫内膜病理类型多样化,其中子宫内膜癌加上子宫内膜癌癌前期病变(子宫内膜不典型增生过长及复杂型增生过长)占16.;82%25;
- Howeer, tamoxifen is associated with increased risk of death from other causes, such as strokes and endometrial cancer. 但是三苯氧胺可以增加其他原因的死亡率,例如休克和子宫内膜癌等。
- If you have a parent or sibling with that disease, get screened yearly for endometrial cancer starting at 30. 如果你的父母或兄弟姐妹中有一人患有此病,请你从30岁起每年进行一次子宫内膜癌检查。
- Methods: ER and PR contents of fresh tumor tissues taken from 70 cases of primary endometrial carcinoma were measured by biochemical (DCC) method and 30 paraffin embedded archival specimens of the 70 cases also by immunohistochemical (IHC) method. 方法:用葡聚糖-活性碳吸附法(DCC法)对70例子宫内膜癌原发病灶组织进行ER及PR测定,同时用免疫组化法对其中30例的石蜡标本进行了ER及PR的检测。
- The purpose of this study is to assess the role of MR imaging in endometrial cancer, with emphasis on the evaluation of depth of myometrial invasion. 本文的目的在于研究磁振造影对子宫肌层被侵犯程度之评估上,所能扮演的角色。
- Ovarian cancer mortality in the highest of all gynecological tumor, cervical cancer and more than the sum of endometrial cancer. 卵巢癌的死亡率在所有妇科肿瘤中最高,超过宫颈癌和子宫内膜癌总和。
- High intracellular levels of SAA were identified in primary endometrial endometrioid carcinoma cell lines evaluated by flow cytometry, and SAA was found to be actively secreted in vitro. 流式细胞仪发现子宫内膜样癌变的细胞系胞内SAA含量很高,并且在体外SAA可以被主动分泌。
- CREASMAN WT, MORROW CP, BUNDY Li,et al. Surgical pathological spread pattern of endometrial cancer [J]. Cancer,1987, 60: 2035. 王文;郭燕燕.;官腔镜辅助下分段诊断性刮宫术在诊断子宫内膜癌中的应用[J]
- Intracavitary irradiation is an important treatment method, especially for advanced cervical cancer and endometrial cancer. 腔内后装治疗是妇科恶性肿瘤特别是中晚期宫颈癌和子宫内膜癌的重要治疗手段。
- Screening for Endometrial Cancer Expert-reviewed information summary about tests used to detect or screen for endometrial cancer. 卵巢癌的预防经专家审核的可能影响卵巢癌发病风险的因素以及针对卵巢癌预防的研究。
- The ASTEC surgical trial investigated whether pelvic lymphadenectomy could improve survival of women with endometrial cancer. ASTEC外科治疗试验即旨在研究盆腔淋巴结清扫术是否能够改善子宫内膜癌患者的生存率。
- Objective To observe the role of aromatase cytochrome P450 in the pathogenesis of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. 目的探讨细胞色素芳香化酶P450在子宫内膜增生症与子宫内膜癌发病中的作用。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。
- Our results show no evidence of benefit in terms of overall or recurrence-free survival for pelvic lymphadenectomy in women with early endometrial cancer. 我们的研究结果表明,就总体或无复发生存率而言,早期子宫内膜癌患者并不能从盆腔淋巴结清扫术中获益。
- Objectives: To map sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) detected by intracervical injection in patients with endometrial cancer and to determine the prevalence of node micrometastases. 目的:通过对子宫内膜癌患者进行宫颈内注射检测哨兵淋巴结(SLN)并决定结内微转移的发病率。
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- The disorder is characterized by variation in the size and shape of the proliferating glands and the potential for cytological atypia which may progress to endometrial cancer. 该疾病的特征是增生腺体大小与形状的多样性以及细胞不典型增生的可能性,后者可进一步发展形成子宫内膜癌。