- Primary Party Branches 先进性
- primary Party branch 党支部
- Turn to the Party branch when in trouble. 有困难找支部。
- Some of the League members sat in on the Party branch meeting. 一些团员列席党支部的会议。
- Many of our local Party branches are still reluctant to let intellectuals join. 许多地方党部,还不愿意吸收知识分子入党。
- The old Party branch secretary is good at sizing people up. 老支书看人很有眼力。
- We shall put Comrade Tang up for the post of secretary of the Party branch. 我们将提名唐同志为党支部书记。
- A Party branch committee meeting will be called to block out a plan of action. 将要召开党支部委员会制订行动计划。
- Our Party branch took in two new members on July the first this year. 今年七一我们党支部吸收了两名新党员。
- Up to now,however,many primary Party organizations have failed to carry out these tasks. 然而,这些任务,是目前很多党的基层组织还没有做到的。
- The plenary session of the Party branch is to be held tomorrow afternoon. 党支部大会定于明天下午举行。
- Party committees should help Party branches and groups to improve their daily work. 党委要加强支部和小组的经常工作。
- Likewise,is it necessary for the committees of general Party branches to lead the individual university departments? 同样,大学的系是否也要由党总支领导?
- It is of vital importance for Party branches to maintain their activities regularly; otherwise they will lack fighting capacity. 严格党的支部生活极端重要,没有支部生活就没有战斗力。
- Likewise, is it necessary for the committees of general Party branches to lead the individual university departments? 同样,大学的系是否也要由党总支领导?
- The draft stipulates that primary Party organizations in enterprises,villages,schools and army units should guide and supervise the work of the administrative bodies and mass organizations in their respective units. 草案规定,企业、农村、学校和部队中的党的基层组织,应当领导和监督本单位行政机构和群众组织的工作。
- The political commissar, political director and political instructor are organizers of the day-to-day work of the Party committees (Party branches) and leaders of political work. 政治委员、政治教导员、政治指导员是党委、支部日常工作的组织者,是政治工作的领导者。
- The membership in the primary Party organizations ranges from a minimum of three to a total of almost ten thousand,making it necessary to allow the greatest flexibility in their organizational structure. 党的基层组织,最小的可以只有三个党员,而最大的却可以有上万个党员,因此,它的组织形式,需要有很大的伸缩性。
- The existing 785 members, 41 party branches, of which the rural party branches (zong zhi ) 35. 现有党员785名,党支部41个,其中农村党支部(总支)35个。
- The “banana wars” date back to 1993 and have generated animosity and recriminations among the primary parties and within the 27-member EU. 这场“香蕉战”可以追溯到1993年,造成了主要相关各方之间及欧盟27个成员国内部的敌意和相互攻讦。